KelvinQiu802 / douban-comp2013j-server

The backend server for COMP2013J Douban project.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

COMP2013J Douban Project Server

Douban Movie Icon

Configure Commit Lint Hook

$ chmod ug+x .githooks/*
$ git config core.hooksPath .githooks

🌈Conventional Commits😋

Getting Started

  1. Create a database named douban and import the douban.sql file.
  2. Update the database password in
  3. Start the Javalin app.
  4. Build and start the front-end website.

Entities Relationship Diagram

title: Douban Movies
		Movies ||--o{ Comments : contains
		Comments ||--o{ CommentVotes : has
		Users ||--o{ Comments : post
		Users ||--o{ Bookmarks : add
		Bookmarks }o--|| Movies : save
		Users ||--o{ Scores : star
		Movies ||--o{ Scores : has
		Users ||--o{ CommentVotes : create

		Movies {
			int movie_id PK
			string country
			string intro
			string movie_title
			string starring
			string language
			string director
			string runtime
			string release_date
		Users {
			string user_name PK
			string password
		Scores {
			string user_name FK
			int movie_id FK
			int star
		Bookmarks {
			string user_name FK
			int movie_id FK
			enum status
		Comments {
			int comment_id PK
			string user_name FK
			int movie_id FK
			string content
			datetime time
		CommentVotes {
			string user_name FK
			int comment_id FK
			enum status

API Documentation

HTTP Verbs Endpoints Action Response Format
GET /api/test To get top 10 movies in the db JSON
GET /api/movies/{id} To retrieve movie by id in the db JSON
GET /api/movies?page={page}&limit={limit} To get movies by page and limit JSON
GET /api/movies/count To get total number of movies in the db JSON
POST /api/users Create an user in the db JSON
POST /api/users/login Login Authentication JSON
GET /api/users To get all user names in the db JSON
GET /api/bookmarks/{userName} To get the bookmarks by user name JSON
POST /api/bookmakrs/{userName}/{movieId}/{status} Create a bookmark JSON
PUT /api/bookmarks/{userName}/{movieId}/{status} Update a bookmark JSON
DELETE /api/bookmarks/{userName}/{movieId} Delete a bookmark JSON
GET /api/scores/{movieId} To get all the score records by movie id JSON
POST /api/scores/{userName}/{movieId}/{score} Create a score record JSON
PUT /api/scores/{userName}/{movieId}/{score} Update a score record JSON
DELETE /api/scores/{userName}/{movieId} Delete a score record JSON
GET /api/comments/{commentId} Get a comments by id JSON
GET /api/comments/movie/{movieId} Get all the comments of a movie JSON
POST /api/comments Create a comment JSON
DELETE /api/comments/{commentId} Delete a comment JSON
GET /api/commentvotes/{commentId} Get all comment votes by id JSON
POST /api/commentvotes/{userName}/{commentId}/{status} Create a comment vote JSON
PUT /api/commentvotes/{userName}/{commentId}/{status} Update a comment vote JSON
DELETE /api/commentvotes/{userName}/{commentId} Delete a comment vote JSON


The backend server for COMP2013J Douban project.


Language:Java 97.7%Language:Shell 2.3%