KeithWesley254 / phase-4-rails-putting-it-all-together-auth

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Putting it All Together: Auth

Learning Goals

  • Authenticate a user with a username and password
  • Authorize logged in users for specific actions


This is the biggest lab yet for this phase, so make sure to set aside some time for this one. It's set up with a few different checkpoints so that you can build out the features incrementally. By the end of this lab, you'll have built out full authentication and authorization flow using sessions and cookies in Rails, so getting this lab under your belt will give you some good code to reference when you're building your next project with auth. Let's get started!


As with other labs in this section, there is some starter code in place for a Rails API backend and a React frontend. To get set up, run:

$ bundle install
$ npm install --prefix client

You can work on this lab by running the tests with learn test. It will also be helpful to see what's happening during the request/response cycle by running the app in the browser. You can run the Rails server with:

$ rails s

And you can run React in another terminal with:

$ npm start --prefix client


For all the deliverables below, if you use any Rails generators to create models or controllers, make sure to use the --no-test-framework flag to avoid overwriting the existing tests.


Create a User model with the following attributes:

  • username that is a string type
  • password_digest that is a string type
  • image_url that is a string type
  • bio that is a string type

Your User model should also:

  • incorporate the has_secure_password macro to enable password encryption with bcrypt
  • validate the user's username to ensure that it is present and unique (no two users can have the same username)
  • a user has many recipes

Next, create a Recipe model with the following attributes:

  • a recipe belongs to a user
  • title that is a string type
  • instructions that is a text type
  • minutes_to_complete that is an integer type

Add validations for the Recipe model:

  • title must be present
  • instructions must be present and at least 50 characters long

Run the migrations after creating your models.

Ensure that the tests for the models are passing before moving forward. To run the tests for only the model files, run:

$ rspec spec/models

Sign Up Feature

After creating the models, the next step is building out a sign up feature.

Handle sign up by implementing a POST /signup route. It should:

  • Be handled in the UsersController with a create action
  • In the create action, if the user is valid:
    • Save a new user to the database with their username, encrypted password, image URL, and bio
    • Save the user's ID in the session hash
    • Return a JSON response with the user's ID, username, image URL, and bio; and an HTTP status code of 201 (Created)
  • If the user is not valid:
    • Return a JSON response with the error message, and an HTTP status code of 422 (Unprocessable Entity)

Note: Recall that we need to format our error messages in a way that makes it easy to display the information in our frontend. For this lab, because we are setting up multiple validations on our User and Recipe models, our error responses need to be formatted in a way that accommodates multiple errors.

Auto-Login Feature

Users can log into our app! 🎉 But we want them to stay logged in when they refresh the page, or navigate back to our site from somewhere else.

Handle auto-login by implementing a GET /me route. It should:

  • Be handled in the UsersController with a show action
  • In the show action, if the user is logged in (if their user_id is in the session hash):
    • Return a JSON response with the user's ID, username, image URL, and bio; and an HTTP status code of 201 (Created)
  • If the user is not logged in when they make the request:
    • Return a JSON response with an error message, and a status of 401 (Unauthorized)

Make sure the signup and auto-login features work as intended before moving forward. You can test the UsersController requests with RSpec:

$ rspec spec/requests/users_spec.rb

You should also be able to test this in the React application by signing up via the sign up form to check the POST /signup route; and refreshing the page after logging in, and seeing that you are still logged in to test the GET /me route.

Login Feature

Now that users can create accounts via the API, let's give them a way to log back into an existing account.

Handle login by implementing a POST /login route. It should:

  • Be handled in the SessionsController with a create action
  • In the create action, if the user's username and password are authenticated:
    • Save the user's ID in the session hash
    • Return a JSON response with the user's ID, username, image URL, and bio
  • If the user's username and password are not authenticated:
    • Return a JSON response with an error message, and a status of 401 (Unauthorized)

Make sure this route works as intended by running learn test before moving forward. You should also be able to test this in the React application by logging in via the login form.

Logout Feature

Users can log into our app! 🎉 Now, let's give them a way to log out.

Handle logout by implementing a DELETE /logout route. It should:

  • Be handled in the SessionsController with a destroy action
  • In the destroy action, if the user is logged in (if their user_id is in the session hash):
    • Remove the user's ID from the session hash
    • Return an empty response with an HTTP status code of 204 (No Content)
  • If the user is not logged in when they make the request:
    • Return a JSON response with an error message, and a status of 401 (Unauthorized)

Make sure the login and logout features work as intended before moving forward. You can test the SessionsController requests with RSpec:

$ rspec spec/requests/sessions_spec.rb

You should also be able to test this in the React application by logging in to check the POST /login route; and logging out with the logout button to test the DELETE /logout route.

Recipe List Feature

Users should only be able to view recipes on our site after logging in.

Handle recipe viewing by implementing a GET /recipes route. It should:

  • Be handled in the RecipesController with a index action
  • In the index action, if the user is logged in (if their user_id is in the session hash):
    • Return a JSON response with an array of all recipes with their title, instructions, and minutes to complete data along with a nested user object; and an HTTP status code of 201 (Created)
  • If the user is not logged in when they make the request:
    • Return a JSON response with an error message, and a status of 401 (Unauthorized)

Recipe Creation Feature

Now that users can log in, let's allow them to create new recipes!

Handle recipe creation by implementing a POST /recipes route. It should:

  • Be handled in the RecipesController with a create action
  • In the create action, if the user is logged in (if their user_id is in the session hash):
    • Save a new recipe to the database if it is valid. The recipe should belong to the logged in user, and should have title, instructions, and minutes to complete data provided from the params hash
    • Return a JSON response with the title, instructions, and minutes to complete data along with a nested user object; and an HTTP status code of 201 (Created)
  • If the user is not logged in when they make the request:
    • Return a JSON response with an error message, and a status of 401 (Unauthorized)
  • If the recipe is not valid:
    • Return a JSON response with the error messages, and an HTTP status code of 422 (Unprocessable Entity)

After finishing the RecipeController features, you're done! Make sure to check your work. You should be able to run the full test suite now with learn test.

You should also be able to test this in the React application by creating a new recipe with the recipe form, and viewing a list of recipes.




Language:Ruby 71.0%Language:JavaScript 25.9%Language:HTML 3.1%