Keith-CY / molecule-javascript

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


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Quick Start

There's a template project for quick start to use molecule-javascript.

It shows the most general way of using molecule-javascript in Browsers and Node.js with real-world demos.


Use in Node.js

import Molecule from 'molecule-javascript'

const normalizedSchema = {
  name: 'Bytes',
  type: 'fixvec',
  item: {
    type: 'byte',
const data = ['0x01', '0x02']
const molecule = new Molecule(normalizedSchema)
const serialized = molecule.serialize(data) // expect to be "0x020000000102"
const parsed = molecule.deserialize('0x020000000102') // expect to be ["0x01", "0x02"]

Use in Browsers

const normalizedSchema = {
  name: 'Bytes',
  type: 'fixvec',
  item: {
    type: 'byte',
const data = ['0x01', '0x02']
const molecule = new MoleculeJavaScript.Molecule(normalizedSchema) // The package is exposed as globalThis.MoleculeJavaScript
const serialized = molecule.serialize(data) // expect to be "0x020000000102"
const parsed = molecule.deserialize('0x020000000102') // expect to be ["0x01", "0x02"]

Normalize Schema

Usually the schema will be defined with intermediate types in Molefile, e.g.

vector Word <byte>;
vector Words <Word>;

There're two steps to normalize it.

1. Use Moleculec to transform Molefile into JSON file, which is valid in JavaScript

This step requires rust

$ cargo install moleculec
$ moleculec --language - --format json --schema-file ./types.mol > ./types.json

By the opeartion above, a new file named types.json will be generated with following content:

  "namespace": "types",
  "imports": [],
  "declarations": [
      "type": "fixvec",
      "name": "Word",
      "item": "byte"
      "type": "dynvec",
      "name": "Words",
      "item": "Word"

2. Normalize intermediate types with native types

$ npx moleculec-js -ns ./types.json > normalized-types.json

Then the normalized-types.json is generated as follows

  "namespace": "types",
  "declarations": [
      "type": "fixvec",
      "name": "Word",
      "item": {
        "type": "byte"
      "type": "dynvec",
      "name": "Words",
      "item": {
        "type": "fixvec",
        "item": {
          "type": "byte"

Shortcut for Node.js

The following three commands are equivalent.

moleculec-js ./schema.json molecules.js
# or
moleculec-js '{"namespace": "bytes", "declarations": [ { "name": "Bytes", "type": "fixvec","item": "byte" } ]}' molecules.js
# or used with moleculec
moleculec --language - --format json --schema-file ./schema.mol | moleculec-js > molecules.js

And molecule.js will be generated as

const { Molecule } = require('molecule-javascript')
const { Schema } = require('molecule-javascript/lib/schema')
 * moleculec-js ./schema.json molecules.js will use the file path directly
 * const normalizedSchema = new Schema('./schema.json').getNormalizedSchema()
const normalizedSchema = new Schema({
  namespace: 'types',
  imports: [],
  declarations: [
      type: 'fixvec',
      name: 'Bytes',
      item: 'byte',
const molecules = {}
normalizedSchema.declarations.forEach(declaration => {
  molecules[] = new Molecule(declaration)
module.exports = { normalizedSchema, molecules }

For Those Who Want More Info on Molecule

Molecule is a canonicalization and zero-copy serialization format.


Fixed Size or Dynamic Size

Type byte array struct vector table option union
Size Fixed Fixed Fixed Dynamic Dynamic Dynamic Dynamic

Memory Layout

|  Type  |                      Header                      |               Body                |
| array  |                                                  |  item-0 |  item-1 | ... |  item-N |
| struct |                                                  | field-0 | field-1 | ... | field-N |
| fixvec | items-count                                      |  item-0 |  item-1 | ... |  item-N |
| dynvec | full-size | offset-0 | offset-1 | ... | offset-N |  item-0 |  item-1 | ... |  item-N |
| table  | full-size | offset-0 | offset-1 | ... | offset-N | filed-0 | field-1 | ... | field-N |
| option |                                                  | item or none (zero bytes)         |
| union  | item-type-id                                     | item                              |

Primitive Type

  • byte: the byte is a byte
    • Example: 00 is a byte

Composite Types

  • array: The array is a fixed-size type, it has a fixed_size inner type and a fixed length. The size of an array is the size of inner type times the length.

    |  Type  |  Header  |               Body                |             Size             |
    | array  |          |  item-0 |  item-1 | ... |  item-N | size-of-innner-type * length |
    • To serialize an array only need to serialize all items in it. There's no overhead to serialize an array, which stores all items consecutively without extra spaces between two adjacent items.

    • Examples:

      • array Byte3 [byte; 3] stores 01 02 03 and is serialized as 01 02 03
      • array Uint32 [byte; 4] stores a 32-bit unsigned interger 0x 01 02 03 04 in little-endian, and is serialized as 04 03 02 01
      • array TwoUint32 [Uint32; 2] stores two 32-bit unsinged integers 0x 01 02 03 04, 0x 0a bc de in little-endian, and is serialized as 04 03 02 01 de bc 0a 00
  • struct: The struct is a fixed-size type, all fields in struct are fixed-size and it has a fixed-size quantity of fields.. The size of a struct is the sum of all fields' size.

    |  Type  |  Header  |               Body                |        Size         |
    | struct |          | field-0 | field-1 | ... | field-N | Sum of fields' size |
    • To serialize a struct only need to serialize all fields of it. Fields in a struct are stored in the order they are declared. There's no overhead to serialize a struct, which stores all fields consecutively without extra spaces between two adjacent items.

    • Examples:

      • struct OnlyAByte { f1: byte } stores a byte ab and is serialized as ab
      • struct ByteAndUint32 { f1: byte, f2: Uint32 } stores { f1: 'ab', f2: '0x010203' }(uint32 into little-endian) and is serialized as ab 03 02 01 00
  • vector: There are two kinds of vectors: fixed-vector, we call it fixvec, and dynamic-vector, we call it dynvec.

    Whether a vector is fiexed or dynamic depends on the type of its inner item: if the inner item is a fixed-size, then the vector is a fixvec; otherwise it's a dynvec

    But both of them are dynamic-size

    • fixvec: fixed vector

      |  Type  |   Header    |               Body                |                Size                |
      | fixvec | items-count |  item-0 |  item-1 | ... |  item-N | 32 bits + inner-type-size * length |
      • There're two steps to serialize a fixvec:

        • Serialize the length as a uint32 in little-endian
        • Serialize the items
      • Examples:

        • vector Bytes <byte>

          • the serialized bytes of an empty bytes is 00 00 00 00 |(the length of any empty fixed-vector is 0)
          • the serialized bytes of 0x12 is 01 00 00 00 | 12
          • the serialzied bytes of 0x1234567890abcdef is 08 00 00 00 | 12 34 56 78 90 ab cd ef
        • vector Uint32Vec <Uint32>

          • the serialized bytes of empty Uint32Vec is 00 00 00 00 |
          • the serialized bytes of 0x123(or [0x123]) is 01 00 00 00 | 23 01 00 00
          • the serialized bytes of [0x123 0x456, 0x7890, 0xa, 0xbc, 0xdef] is 06 00 00 00 | 23 01 00 00 | 56 04 00 00 | 90 78 00 00 | 0a 00 00 00 | bc 00 00 00 | ef 0d 00 00
    • dynvec: dynamic vector

      |  Type  |   Header                                         |               Body                |                         Size                        |
      | fixvec | full-size | offset-0 | offset-1 | ... | offset-N |  item-0 |  item-1 | ... |  item-N | 32 bits + 32 bits * item count + sum of items' size |
      • There're three steps to serialize a dynvec

        • Serialize the full size in bytes as a 32-bit unsigned interger in little-endian
        • Serialize all offsets of items as 32-bit unsigned integer in little-endian
        • Serialize all items
      • Examples:

        • vector BytesVec <Bytes>(Bytes is fixvec <byte>)

          • the serizlied bytes of an empty BytesVec is 04 00 00 00 |
          • the serialied bytes of [0x1234] is 0e 00 00 00 | 08 00 00 00 | 02 00 00 00 12 34, where full size is 14, offset is 8, item list is [020000001234].
          • the serialized bytes of [0x1234, 0x, 0x567, 0x89, 0xabcdef] is
            full size: 34 00 00 00 // 4 + 4 * 5 items + 28 items size
            offsets  :
                       18 00 00 00
                       1e 00 00 00
                       22 00 00 00
                       28 00 00 00
                       2d 00 00 00
            items    :
                       02 00 00 00 | 12 34
                       00 00 00 00 |
                       02 00 00 00 | 05 67
                       01 00 00 00 | 89
                       03 00 00 00 | ab cd ef
    • table: the table is a dynamic-size type, and can be considered as a dynvec but the length is fixed.

      |  Type  |                      Header                      |               Body                |                         Size                        |
      | table  | full-size | offset-0 | offset-1 | ... | offset-N | filed-0 | field-1 | ... | field-N | 32 bits + 32 bits * item count + sum of items' size |
      • The steps of serialization of table are same as dynvec:

        • Serialize the full size in bytes as 32-bit unsigned integer in little-endian
        • Serialize all offsets of fields as 32-bit unsigned integer in little-endian
        • Serialize all fields of the table in the order as they are declared
      • Examples

        # table
          f1: Bytes(0x),
          f2: byte(0xab),
          f3: uint32(0x123),
          f4: Byte3(0x456789),
          f5: Bytes(0xabcdef),
        full size: 2b 00 00 00 // 4 + 4 * 5 items + (4 + 1 + 4 + 3 + 7)
        offsets  :
                   18 00 00 00
                   1c 00 00 00
                   1d 00 00 00
                   21 00 00 00
                   24 00 00 00
        items    :
                   00 00 00 00
                   23 01 00 00
                   45 67 89
                   03 00 00 00 | ab cd ef
    • option: The option is a dynamic-size type.

      • To serialize an option depends on whether it is empty or not:

        • If it's empty, there'is zero bytes
        • If it's not empty, just serialize the inner item(the size is the same as it's inner item's)
      • Examples:

        • The serialized bytes of Option is ``(empty)
        • The serialized bytes of Some([]) is 04 00 00 00
        • The serialized bytes of Some([0x]) is
          full size: 0c 00 00 00
          offsets  : 08 00 00 00
          items    : 00 00 00 00 |
    • union: The union is a dynamic-size type.

      • Serialization of a union type has two steps:

        • Serialize a item type id in bytes as a 32-bit unsigned integer in little-endian. The item type id is the index of the inner items, starting from 0.
        • Serialize the inner item.
      • Examples: Suppose the type of the union is

        • The serialized bytes of Byte3(0x123456) is 00 00 00 00 | 12 34 56
        • The serialized bytes of Bytes(0x) is 01 00 00 00 | 00 00 00 00
        • The serialized bytes of Bytes(0x123) is 01 00 00 00 | 02 00 00 00 | 01 23
        • The serialized bytes of BytesVec([]) is 02 00 00 00 | 04 00 00 00
        • The serialized bytes of BytesVec([0x]) is 02 00 00 00 | 0c 00 00 00 | 08 00 00 00 | 00 00 00 00
        • The serialized bytes of BytesVec([0x123]) is 02 00 00 00 | 0e 00 00 00 | 08 00 00 00 | 02 00 00 00 | 01 12
        • The serialized bytes of BytesVec([0x123, 0x456]) is 02 00 00 00 | 18 00 00 00 | 0c 00 00 00 | 12 00 00 00 | 02 00 00 00 | 01 23 | 02 00 00 00 | 04 56

Schema to JSON


// Schema
array Word [byte; 2]

struct Struct1 {
  f1: Word,
  f2: byte,


import ../foo/types;
vector Bytes <byte>
vector BytesVec <Bytes>
option ByteOpt (byte)

table Table1 {
  f1: Bytes,
  f2: byte,
  f3: ByteOpt,

union UnionA {

intermediate for bar/types.mol

  "namespace": "types",
  "imports": [
      "name": "types",
      "paths": ["foo"],
      "path_supers": 1
  "declarations": [
      "type": "fixvec",
      "name": "Bytes",
      "item": "byte"
      "type": "dynvec",
      "name": "BytesVec",
      "item": "Bytes"
      "type": "option",
      "name": "ByteOpt",
      "item": "byte"
      "type": "table",
      "name": "Table1",
      "fields": [
          "name": "f1",
          "type": "Bytes"
          "name": "f2",
          "type": "byte"
          "name": "f3",
          "type": "ByteOpt"
      "type": "union",
      "name": "UnionA",
      "items": ["Bytes", "Struct1", "byte", "Table1"]
      "type": "array",
      "name": "Word",
      "item": "byte",
      "item_count": 2,
      "imported_depth": 1
      "type": "struct",
      "name": "Struct1",
      "fields": [
          "name": "f1",
          "type": "Word"
          "name": "f2",
          "type": "byte"
      "imported_depth": 1


License:MIT License


Language:TypeScript 94.6%Language:JavaScript 5.4%