A small and simple LOVE2D wrapper for OneLua, lpp-vita, and Lua Player PS3
You can use this to make LOVE2D stuff for a PSP, PS Vita, and/or PS3! As an example, this is used on DDLC-LOVE
This is made just for fun and will only have the basic stuff.
- See Implemented.md for the implemented stuff
- script.lua is the main file for LOVE-WrapLua (required)
- index.lua is for lpp-vita to run script.lua (required for lpp-vita only)
- app.lua is for Lua Player PS3 to run script.lua (required for Lua Player PS3 only)
- lv1lua.lua is to set up some settings for key configuration (keyconfset), resolution scale (resscale), and image scale (imgscale). This file is optional