Version Java 8
Proxy servers working: HTTP, Socks5 and proxyless.
I personally not recommend this library for threading because this library use the HttpUrlConnection
HttpRequest request = new HttpRequest(); String result = request.Get("").toString(); String result2 = request.Post("", "").toString(); String resultWithProxy = request.Post("", "", "", Proxy.Type.HTTP).toString(); String resultWithProxyGet = request.Get("", "", "", Proxy.Type.HTTP).toString(); // Now with variables HttpRequest request = new HttpRequest(); request.ConnectTimeout = 5000; request.Cookies.add("cookieName=cookieValue"); request.Referer = ""; request.UserAgent = Http.ChromeUserAgent(); request.ContentType = "application/json"; request.KeepAlive = true; String resultf = request.Post("", "").toString(); System.out.println(resultf);
This library have been inspired by the C# library xNet (