Kedar-Khedkar / Language-Translator-

Language Translator with GUI using IBM Watson API

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Language Translator with GUI

🙋‍♂️Hi, I am Kedar Khedkar, a python developer. In this project, I have made a Language Translator using IBM Watson API.
It has features like:

  1. Voice Input (only for English language)
  2. Autocomplete drop-down list for language selection
  3. 50 languages supported for translation
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Installing Dependencies

Run this in terminal

pip install tk
pip install ttkthemes
pip install ttkwidgets
pip install PyJWT==1.7.1 ibm_watson wget
pip install PyAudio
pip install SpeechRecognition
pip install language-tool-python

Access API

You can access the api by creating IBM Watson account through this link and get your own Api key and Url.
For api documentation.


There are two scripts in the repository and is main script and is used to extract the supported languages for translation and used from the api.

In, we have extracted the supporting languages from api and saved in a list, and that list is imported in
Replace Api key and Url with your own api key and url.


Language Translator with GUI using IBM Watson API


Language:Python 100.0%