KeRNeLith / Tiger-Types

A collection of useful types and operations on types.

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What It Is

Tiger.Types is a library of useful types for C#, ones that are sometimes included by default in other languages. These types enable and include advanced operations that encapsulate boilerplate logic. These include, but are not limited to:

  • The type Option<TSome>, which represents the concept of “a value” or “no value” in a way that is more type-safe than returning null. This maps to failable operations where failure delivers no specific information.
  • The type Either<TLeft, TRight>, which represents the concept of “a value” or “a different value” in a way that is more type-safe than always throwing an exception. This maps to operations that can return a value upon success, or a detailed error upon failure.
  • Advanced operations on Task<T>, which allows transformation of values while remaining within the Task<T> context.

Why You Want It

These types and operations allow you to treat more operations in your .NET application as functors or monads, which frequently represent operations in more type-safe ways than .NET conventions.

Let’s use Option<TSome> for an example. In the following code, we’ll write a short method that converts a string to all upper-case.

public string ToAllUpperCase(string input)
  return input.ToUpper();

(It is a trivial example, since the capability is built into the string type, but it will do.)

There is already a somewhat major error that could occur: If input is null, then the method will throw NullReferenceException. This is a bug, and the type system did nothing to help us detect it. Our method can accept any string value and the kind-of-value null. We can check for null, and throw ArgumentNullException, but let’s say that we need to allow the concept of “no value” into the method.

public string ToAllUpperCase(string input)
  if (input == null)
    return null;
  return input.ToUpper();

This looks better, but is even worse! Our callers still believe that we can only return actual string values, but we can also return null. Now we are checking for null, and our callers must check, as well. This is where Option<TSome> comes in. Similar to the .NET concept of Nullable<T> (also written as T?), Option<TSome> allows us to explicitly advertise the concept of “no value” to our callers.

The pattern that emerges is this: If we get no value, return no value. If we get a value, we process it. This pattern is built into the type, and it is called Map. That allows us to write the original verison of ToAllUpperCase defined above, the one that operates only on values, and call it like this:

potentialString.Map(s => ToAllUpperCase(s));

(Of course, our caller could also write potentialString.Map(s => s.ToUpper()), but then we’re out of our jobs!)

Here, the type of potentialString is explicitly Option<string>, and the return type of Map is explicitly Option<string>. This is almost identical to Select on IEnumerable<T>: If the sequence is empty, we get back an empty sequence. If the sequence has elements, the elements are transformed. For Option<TSome> the “empty” state is called None, and the “has elements” state is called Some. There are many such useful operations on optional values. Here’s an abridged list:

  • Map: Given a value of Func<TSome, U>, returns an Option<U> in the same state as the input value. Aliased to Select, from the BCL.

  • Bind: Given a value of Func<TSome, Option<U>>, calculates an Option<Option<U>> and flattens it to Option<U> before returning. Aliased to SelectMany, from the BCL.

  • Match (Value-Returning): Associates a value of Func<U> with the None state and a value of Func<TSome, U> with the Some state, and invokes the function that matches the input value’s state.

  • Match (Action-Performing): Associates a value of Action with the None state and a value of Action<TSome> with the Some state, and invokes the function that matches the input value’s state.

  • Filter: Given a predicate value of Func<TSome, bool>, returns the original value if it is in the Some state and its Some value passes the predicate; otherwise, returns an Option<TSome> in the None state. Aliased to Where, from the BCL.

  • Let: Given a value of Action<TSome>, performs that action if the original value is in the Some state. Aliased to ForEach, from the Interactive Extensions.

  • Tap: Given a value of Action<TSome>, performs that action if the original value is in the Some state, then returns the original value – most useful for chained methods. Aliased to Do, from the Interactive Extensions.

A Note on Aliases

Many of the methods on these types are aliased to LINQ-standard names. This is for reasons of developer familiarity and activating certain C# features. For example, implementing Select, SelectMany, and Where allows the LINQ query syntax to be used. Using Option<TSome> again:

var left = Option.From(3); // Some(3)
var right = Option.From(4); // Some(4)

var sum = from l in left
          from r in right
          select l + r; // Some(7)

However, if either of the input values is in the None state, the operation fails.

var left = Option<int>.None; // None
var right = Option.From(4); // Some(4)

var sum = from l in left
          from r in right
          select l + r; // None

Additionally, implementing GetEnumerator allows an Option<TSome> to be used with the foreach statement, which will execute its body only if the optional value is in the Some state.

foreach (var value in Option.From("world"))
  Console.WriteLine($"Hello, {value}!"); // Hello, world!

foreach (var value in Option<string>.None)
  Console.WriteLine($"Hello, {value}!"); // <not executed>

This result can also be accomplished with the Let operation.

A Note on null

Most of this library is allergic to null. It advertises where null is allowed, and where it is not – heavily tilted to the latter. If returning null from a passed function would violate the semantics of an operation, then that operation will throw an uncatchable exception. For example, the contract of Map is that it will only return an optional value in the None state if the original value is in the None state. However, if returning null from the passed function were allowed, that would put the returned value from an original value in the Some state into the None state. This should be refactored into a method of type Func<TSome, Option<U>>, and used with the Bind operation.

How You Develop It

This project is using the standard dotnet build tool. A brief primer:

  • Restore NuGet dependencies: dotnet restore
  • Build the entire solution: dotnet build
  • Run all unit tests: dotnet test
  • Pack for publishing: dotnet pack -o "$(pwd)/artifacts"

The parameter --configuration (shortname -c) can be supplied to the build, test, and pack steps with the following meaningful values:

  • “Debug” (the default)
  • “Release”

This repository is attempting to use the GitFlow branching methodology. Results may be mixed, please be aware.

Thank You

Seriously, though. Thank you for using this software. The author hopes it performs admirably for you.


A collection of useful types and operations on types.

License:Apache License 2.0


Language:C# 100.0%