KeJunMao / bilibili-box

将你的B站最新投稿显示在 pinned gist。

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Update a pinned gist to contain the latest videos of a user

📌✨ For more pinned-gist projects like this one, check out:


English | 中文

Prep work

  1. Create a new public GitHub Gist (
  2. Create an access token with the gist scope and copy it. (
  3. Find UID in Bilibili personal space link (

Project setup

  1. Fork this repo

  2. Edit the environment variables in .github/workflows/schedule.yml:

    • UID: The user handle of the bilibili account.
    • GIST_ID: The ID portion from your gist url:
  3. Go to the repo Settings > Secrets

  4. Add the following environment variables:

    • GH_TOKEN: The GitHub access token generated above.


将你的B站最新投稿显示在 pinned gist。


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