Kayinnasaki / Ublock-Cosmetic-Filters

So I can share stuff easily with people.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

These are currently MOSTLY UNMAINTAINED

The amount of twitter changes got so awful and impossible to keep up with that I started using using a twitter improvement browser extension. Sadly no way to stay on my 'Following' tab with just ublock. :(

Still, if anyone reports issues directly ot better just, has a pull request, I'm still down to try and fix stuff, but if you're new, it's probably better to look elsewhere.


Mostly me fighting against annoying twitter changes. To use these, go to your ublock settings, go to filter lists, hit import and include the links you want.

Also just wanted to say: I'm bad at this stuff, but I'm stubborn. Things will be wrong, or break, or be done assbackward. So if you know more than me, which is likely, please, by all means, put in a pull request or file a bug report.


Repurposing to remove the Twitter Blue Sidebar entry https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Kayinnasaki/Ublock-Cosmetic-Filters/main/TwitterDeBlue.txt


Hopefully this is just a dumb test but twitter put the analytics button where the reply to yourself button is and I make way more threads than I check meaningless stats, so goodbye button. Kills the viewcount on every post of your timeline too https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Kayinnasaki/Ublock-Cosmetic-Filters/main/TwitterNoAnalytics.txt

TwitterNoDownVote.txt (obsolete)

Meanwhile this feature totally sucks and is basically to get you to moderate rich influencers tweets by... pushing toxic responses lower?? Just fucking block people jfc why is it in the "like tweet" spot??? Anyways this removes it! https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Kayinnasaki/Ublock-Cosmetic-Filters/main/TwitterNoDownVote.txt


Specifically for under tweets. This shit is useless, junk information, brought to you by the days of geocities. Less intrusive than other changes. See NoAnalytics to kill it on your timeline too. https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Kayinnasaki/Ublock-Cosmetic-Filters/main/TwitterNoViewCount.txt


Does anyone actually use this?? Removes the explore tab from the sidebar so I stop fucking accidentally clicking it https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Kayinnasaki/Ublock-Cosmetic-Filters/main/TwitterNoExplore.txt


Removes the Verified tab in notifactions and, in the future, any other wierd "Verified" tabs. Because who wants to treat people special just cause they spent money? https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Kayinnasaki/Ublock-Cosmetic-Filters/main/TwitterNoVerified.txt


Removes the trending topics and recommended users sidebars from twitter because Fuck That shit https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Kayinnasaki/Ublock-Cosmetic-Filters/main/TwitterReducedSidebar.txt


Twitter's content sensetivity warning is a great feature that infuriatingly can't be turned off. This removes the feature entirely. Mostly for people who are sick of clicking every NSFW image. https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Kayinnasaki/Ublock-Cosmetic-Filters/main/TwitterWarningRemover.txt

Just Gimme a Minimal Twitter Experience

Cool, copy and paste all of these into ublock! Be careful, things like WarningRemover aren't for everyone.



So I can share stuff easily with people.