Kayinnasaki / IWBTG

Source files for IWBTG. They're horrible Multimedia Fusion files so don't expect to do much with them though.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

I Wanna be the Guy

These are the Source files for IWBTG. They're horrible Multimedia Fusion files so don't expect to do much with them though. Also be noted that aspects of the game are broken in modern versions of MMF2, such as vertical platforms. Upside is traditional IWBTG crashes don't happen.

IWBTG is under no particular license and I grant you no particular rights. I do not even grant you the right to view these files. If you want to do anything with it you gotta steal a little. If you're not willing to do that, then you really shouldn't be bothering with this to begin with so don't @ me I'm not gonna make it legal for you to replace everything with Tux.

My only request (and is only a request. I have no power over you) is that fan games, derived from this code or otherwise, not present themselves as sequels of "I Wanna be the Guy". As such most fan games opt for the "I Wanna [Blank] the [Blank]" format. Many do not and there have been many "IWBTG2"s. Do as you will.

Due to Github filesize limits, the source is hosted off site on two different mirrors. This repository is only here for my and possibly other peoples reference.




Source files for IWBTG. They're horrible Multimedia Fusion files so don't expect to do much with them though.