Kaustav-Purkayastha / DBMS-Using-MySQL-4th-Sem

This repository contains all the DBMS College Practicals using MySQL done by me in B.Sc. 4th Semester.

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πŸ“œList of Practical Questions:

Q1)   Create a table Employee (empid, empname, sex, dept, salary). 'empid' as primary key.

    (a) Make at least 6 entries in the table.

    (b) Display the names of the employees whose salary are more than 20000 but less than 30000.

    (c) Count the number of employees who are working in the 'Maths' department.

Q2)   Create a table Route (rid, rno, origin, destn, fare, distance). 'rid' as primary key.

    (a) Make at least 6 entries in the table.

    (b) Display only those routes whose origin has a substring 'ma'.

    (c) Increase the fare of all the routes by 5%.

Q3)   Create a table Student (roll, name, address, dept). 'roll' as primary key.

    (a) Store at least 5 records.

    (b) Add an attribute named 'contact' in the table.

    (c) Update all the records.

Q4)   Create a table Client (clno, name, address, city, state).

    (a) Display the distinct city in the table.

    (b) Display only those routes whose origin has a substring 'ma'.

    (c) Count the number of clients in the state 'Bihar'.

Q5)   Create the following tables:

    Customer (Cid, Cname); 'Cid' as primary key.

    Branch (Bcode, Bname); 'Bcode' as primary key.

    Account (Ano, Atype, Balance, Cid, Bcode); 'Ano' as primary key.

  An account can be saving account or a current account. Check Atype in 'S' or 'C'. A customer can have both types of accounts.

    Transaction (Tid, Ano, Ttype, Tdate, Tamount); 'Tid' and 'Ano' as primary key.

  Ttype can be 'D' or 'W'. D - Deposit, W - Withdrawal.

    (a) Make entries in each of the table.

    (b) Develop a SQL query to list the details of customers who have a saving account and a current account.

    (c) Develop a SQL query to list the details of branches and the number of accounts in each branch.

    (d) Develop a SQL query to list the details of branches where the number of accounts is less than the average number of accounts in all branches.

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Made by Kaustav PurkayasthaπŸ˜‰


This repository contains all the DBMS College Practicals using MySQL done by me in B.Sc. 4th Semester.


Language:SQL 100.0%