Kasulejoseph / wallethub-e2e

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Testcase #1

Login to facebook and post a status message

Testcase #2

Create a light user account in URL and uncheck the checkbox to get your free credit score and report. This is the account you should be using for this test. Then simulate the following actions:

1. Go to this [URL](https://wallethub.com/profile/13732055i)

2. On the reviews section of the page, hover over the stars and click on the fourth star. Your code should actually (a) do the hover and (b) make sure the stars inside get lit up when you hover over them, then (c) click on the fourth star. Simply redirecting the WebDriver to the next page isn’t an option.

3. On the page you get redirected to, click on the Policy dropdown and change the value to “Health Insurance”

4. Click on the link “Write a review" and write some random text (minimum of 200 characters).

5. Press submit

6. If you are successful, you should see a confirmation screen saying you have reviewed the institution. You then have to go to your profile and confirm that the “review feed” got updated

7. Go to [URL](https://wallethub.com/profile/) and assert that you can see the review.

Test case execution command

Testcase #1

mvn test -Dtest=FacebookStatusTest#testPostStatusMessage

Testcase #2

mvn test -Dtest=ReviewHealthInsuranceTest#testReviewHealthInsurance

How to change login credentials

To modify the login credentials for the test cases, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the messages.properties file, which can be found inside the src/test/resources directory.
  2. For the Facebook test case, change the values of login.emailAddress and login.password to your desired credentials.
  3. For the WalletHub test case, update login.wallethub.emailAddress and login.password if you wish to change the email and password, respectively.



Language:Java 100.0%