Karytonn / redirect-with-meta-tag

Redirect to outher URL

Repository from Github https://github.comKarytonn/redirect-with-meta-tagRepository from Github https://github.comKarytonn/redirect-with-meta-tag

Redirect with Meta Tag

Redirect to outher URL

Use cases

  • Website migration
  • URL Update
  • Redirect a page that no longer exists
  • Multiple domains
  • Fix 404 error

How to implement

  1. Create an index.html file and set a meta tag whit http-equiv="refresh" property
<!-- In content define after how long the new url will be loaded and then the destination -->
<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0, url=https://www.newwebsite.com" />
  1. Create a rollback if it doesn't work
    If your browser supports meta tag redirect, you will be redirected
    to our <a href="https://www.newwebsite.com">new site</a>
    in 5 seconds, otherwise select the link manually.


Click here to demo


We know it's good practice to do this from the server side, but we don't always have access to it, or most of the time, we wouldn't have the time for this implementation.


Redirect to outher URL


Language:HTML 100.0%