KarthikShetty27 / Coding-Club_Skillful-Saturdays

A Coding Competition called "Skillful Saturday" that is organized by the Coding Club of the Computer Engineering Department.

Repository from Github https://github.comKarthikShetty27/Coding-Club_Skillful-SaturdaysRepository from Github https://github.comKarthikShetty27/Coding-Club_Skillful-Saturdays




A Coding Competition called "Skillful Saturday" that is organized by the Coding Club of the Computer Engineering Department.

Programming Language used is Python


CLick on Problem Name to see how the problem was solved.

  1. Strings and Sub Strings
  • Problem Description :
    Given an alphabetic string S. The task is to count the number of sub-strings that starts and end with "a".
    Note: The starting and the ending "a" should be different and the size of sub-string can be anything but more than 1.

    Problem Input : "abnacfcabaa"
    Problem Output :
  1. Pattern Printing
  • Problem Description : Given an integer N, print an inverted isosceles triangle of stars such that the height of the triangle is N

    Problem Input : 7
    Problem Output :


A Coding Competition called "Skillful Saturday" that is organized by the Coding Club of the Computer Engineering Department.


Language:Python 100.0%