A course by Jess Chadwick
This is the courseware repository for the Lynda.com online video training course, Learn ASP.NET Core MVC.
Here you'll be able to explore all of the completed code for each video in the course, as well as the full, complete application in its final state.
To get started, here are a few things you might be interested in:
- 2: Create a new project (End)
- 3: Respond to HTTP requests (Begin | End)
- 4: Leverage external dependencies (Begin | End)
- 5: Serve static files (Begin | End)
- 6: Error handling and diagnostics (Begin | End)
- 7: Using custom configuration (Begin | End)
- 8: Populating configuration settings (Begin | End)
- 9: Increase maintainability with dependency injection (Begin | End)
- 2: Add ASP.NET Core MVC to your ASP.NET Core application (Begin | End)
- 3: Handle requests with Controllers (Begin | End)
- 4: Pass parameters to Controller Actions (Begin | End)
- 5: Understand Routing (No code changes)
- 6: Customize your application's URLs (Begin | End)
- 1: Render HTML with Razor (Begin | End)
- 2: Render dynamic content with Razor (Begin | End)
- 3: Reuse shared HTML markup with Layouts (Begin | End)
- 4: Rendering sections (Begin | End)
- 5: Pass data from Controller the View (Begin | End)
- 6: Render data with strongly-typed views (Begin | End)
- 7: Reuse view markup with Partial Views (Begin | End)
- 8: Reuse view logic with injectable services (Begin | End)
- 9: Reuse application features with View Components (Begin | End)
- Challenge (Challenge | Solution)
- 1: Creating strongly-typed HTML forms (Begin | End)
- 2: Post form data to Controller Actions (Begin | End)
- 3: Validate form post data (Begin | End)
- 4: Use Tag Helpers to simplify your forms (Begin | End)
- 5: Represent the database using Entity Framework (Begin | End)
- 6: Write to a database using Entity Framework (Begin | End)
- 7: Read from a database using Entity Framework (Begin | End)
- Challenge (Challenge | Solution)
- 1: Avoid page refreshes with partial rendering (Begin | End)
- 2: Expose web API endpoints (Begin | End)
- 3: Expose data through a web API (Begin | End)
- 4: Consume a web API from the browser (Begin | End)
- Challenge (Challenge | Solution)
- 1: Secure controller actions from unauthorized access (Begin | End)
- 2: Add Identity Services to your application (Begin | End)
- 3: Use Identity Services to create user accounts (Begin | End)
- 4: Use Identity Services to allow users to login to your site (Begin | End)
- 5: Avoid Cross-Site Request Forgery (No code changes)