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Functional and Concurrent Programming with Scala and ZIO - SoSe 2021

Deadline 30.04.2021 13:00

Exercise 1

The aim of this exercise is to get comfortable with the scala syntax and try out some concepts already introduced in the lecture.

Reuse the project you already set up in Exercise 0. Implement all functions as functions of an Object and add simple tests for them using ScalaTest. Do not use any mutable variables (var keyword).

Also have a look at Scala Worksheets, which provide an interactive shell (REPL), which can be used to ease development and aid understanding of what is going on in the code.

Task 1

Implement the following methods using fold or reduce operations.

def max(arr: Array[Int]): Int = ???
def min(arr: Array[Int]): Int = ???
def sum(arr: Array[Int]): Int = ???

Task 2

In the card game of Vingt-et-Un (Twenty-One) the aim is to come as close to 21 as possible, without going over it. It is played with a standard deck of cards (2 to King), where aces have a value of either 1 or 11 and all other picture cards (Jack, Queen, King) have a fixed value of 10.


Each card is represented as a a string: Number cards "2"-"10", Ace - "A", Jack - "J", Queen - "Q", King - "K".

Implement a function named parse, that takes a card (String) and returns an Int. When encountering an ace it should return 11.

Implement another function, named parseAll, that takes an array of strings and calls parse for each element. Hint: use map


Implement a function values, that takes a card (Int) and returns its possible values (Array[Int]). In case of aces an array containing 2 elements is returned (11 and 1). In all other cases, an array contains a single element is returned (with the value of the passed card/Integer).


Implement a higher order curried function determineHandValue, that determines the hand value (return type Int). It should be curried and

  • accept a strategy function (Array[Int] => Int), which maps the values of a card to a single value
  • and the hand (Array[Int]).

Call values on each card of the hand, followed by the strategy function and in the end compute the sum using the function you already defined in Task 1. Note that the strategy function has no implementation. It is just a specification of a function, which will be provided in the next subtask.

Create a function isBust that takes the hand value and returns true if is greater than 21 or false otherwise.


Partially apply determineHandValue by taking a strategy in order to form two function - optimisticF, by applying max as the strategy and pessimisticF by applying min as the strategy. Those functions now each take the values of a card and produce a single value (either the higher or lower in case of aces).


Create a function determineBestHandValue which takes a hand and computes its value using optimisticF and if this results in a bust returns pessimisticF instead.

Optional Task

Those tasks are optional and usually a lot harder than the normal tasks and just give additional, bonus points.

determineBestHand is a simplification. The hand [A, K] has two possible values 21[A(11)+K(10)] or 11[A(1) + K(10)], but the hand [A, A, 9] has three: 31[A(11) + A(11) + 9], 21[A(11) + K(10)], or 11[A(1) +A(1) + 9]

determineBestHandValue, as described in Task 2, in the pessimistic case, would output 11 and in the optimistic 31, however it will never consider the actual best case - 21.

Update determineBestHandValueso it also covers that case.

Hint: A way to solve this is using the flatten function does. We will learn this in future lectures.


  • ⭐ For solving Task 1
  • ⭐ For solving Task 2 A)
  • ⭐ For solving Task 2 B)
  • ⭐ For solving Task 2 C)
  • ⭐ For solving Task 2 D)
  • ⭐ For solving Task 2 E)
  • ⭐ For reasonable currying in Task 2 C)
  • ⭐ For correct partial application in Task 2 D)
  • ⭐ For not using var anywhere
  • ⭐ For having tests

Bonus Stars

  • 🌟 for solving the optional task
