Hema Kalyan Murapaka (KalyanMurapaka45)


Geek Repo


Home Page:https://www.linkedin.com/in/hemakalyan


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Hema Kalyan Murapaka's repositories


This is a Python application that allows you to load a PDF and ask questions about it using natural language. The application uses a LLM to generate a response about your PDF. The LLM will not answer questions unrelated to the document.



This repository houses machine learning models and pipelines for predicting various diseases, coupled with an integration with a Large Language Model for Diet and Food Recommendation. Each disease prediction task has its dedicated directory structure to maintain organization and modularity.

Language:Jupyter NotebookLicense:GPL-3.0Stargazers:5Issues:1Issues:0


Diamond Price Prediction with MLOps: A comprehensive end-to-end project for predicting diamond prices using machine learning and MLOps techniques.

Language:Jupyter NotebookLicense:GPL-3.0Stargazers:4Issues:1Issues:0


An Enthusiastic undergraduate with a passion for Data Science and Machine learning. With over a year of hands-on experience in the field, I'm constantly exploring the exciting world of AI and innovation. I've built a solid foundation in machine learning and Python.


The purpose of this project is to predict the price of Airbnb rentals based on various features of the properties listed on the platform. The code in this repository is written in Python and uses several machine learning algorithms to train and test a predictive model.

Language:Jupyter NotebookStargazers:3Issues:0Issues:0


This Python script performs plagiarism detection on a set of text documents using the Term Frequency-Inverse Document Frequency (TF-IDF) approach. It calculates the cosine similarity between pairs of documents to identify potential cases of plagiarism.



This is a lightweight web application developed using the Flask web framework and the Pytube library, designed to facilitate the easy and quick downloading of YouTube videos. The application provides a user-friendly interface where users can simply paste the URL of the YouTube video they wish to download, and the application takes care of the rest.



This Python script is designed to scrape articles from The Guardian's technology section using their API. It fetches article data, extracts the titles and content, and then saves each article's content to separate text files. The text files are organized in a folder named with the current date and time of the scraping.

Language:Jupyter NotebookLicense:GPL-3.0Stargazers:2Issues:1Issues:0


This Flask application allows you to send emails through a simple web interface. It uses the Flask web framework, and emails are sent via Gmail SMTP. Below is a brief overview of the project:



This repository contains a robust and user-friendly movie recommendation system built to enhance your movie-watching experience. Whether you're a film enthusiast or just looking for something new to watch, our system has you covered topics

Language:Jupyter NotebookLicense:GPL-3.0Stargazers:2Issues:1Issues:0


This Flask application allows you to calculate the monthly payment for a loan based on the principal amount, annual percentage rate (APR), and loan term in years. Below is a brief overview of the project:



The project uses natural language processing and information retrieval to create an interactive system for user queries on a collection of PDFs. It involves loading, segmenting, and embedding PDFs with a Hugging Face model, utilizing Pinecone for efficient similarity searches

Language:Jupyter NotebookLicense:MITStargazers:2Issues:0Issues:0


This Flask application provides users with a seamless experience for exploring the meanings of words through the integration of the PyDictionary library. Built on the Flask web framework, the application offers an intuitive interface where users can effortlessly input a word of interest.



This repository contains a simple Python implementation showcasing socket communication between a server and a client using threading. The code is organized into two classes, ServerNode and ClientNode, demonstrating a basic messaging system.



This is Krish Naik Sir's GitHub repository, which I forked. It contains comprehensive resources and materials for data science, including his YouTube video tutorials and open-source contributions.



This project aims to provide users with a tool to predict flight fares based on various parameters, allowing them to make informed decisions when booking air travel. The app utilizes machine learning algorithms trained on historical flight data to estimate future fares.

Language:Jupyter NotebookLicense:GPL-3.0Stargazers:1Issues:0Issues:0


Daily practice Power BI reports and dashboards for skill enhancement and learning. Check out my ongoing progress here



This Python script demonstrates a simple ASCII-based encryption algorithm. It converts alphabetic characters to their ASCII numerical values, applies a secret number for encryption, and allows decryption using the same secret number.



The provided Python code is a web application built using the Flask framework, designed to scrape data from YouTube based on a specified company name. This application aims to automate the process of collecting information about videos associated with a particular company on YouTube and present the data to users in a downloadable CSV file.

Language:Jupyter NotebookStargazers:1Issues:0Issues:0


This is a basic web calculator built using Flask, a Python web framework. The application allows users to perform simple arithmetic operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.



The Google Gemini-Pro Chat Application is a Streamlit-based web interface that facilitates interactive conversations with Google's GenerativeAI. Users can ask questions or engage in dialogue, receiving responses generated by the powerful Gemini-Pro model.



This repository contains code for a Streamlit web application that leverages Google's Generative AI model (Gemini Pro) to answer questions based on user input.



Explore a modular, end-to-end solution for heart disease prediction in this repository. From problem definition to model evaluation, dive into detailed exploratory data analysis. Experience seamless integration with MLOps tools like DVC, MLflow, and Docker for enhanced workflow and reproducibility.

Language:Jupyter NotebookLicense:GPL-3.0Stargazers:0Issues:0Issues:0


The Medical Query Generator is a web application that leverages Google's GenerativeAI to generate detailed and accurate medical responses. Users input medical queries, and the application provides responses adhering to specific guidelines for clarity, accuracy, and informativeness.



This Flask web application utilizes Google's Generative AI models to generate detailed medical descriptions for uploaded images. The project, which focuses on medical content generation, incorporates two key models: the Pro-Vision model for in-depth medical descriptions and the Pro model for additional content generation.



This repository showcases machine learning experiment using MLflow, a powerful open-source platform for managing the end-to-end machine learning lifecycle. The experiment is designed to demonstrate best practices for tracking and managing machine learning projects, including experiment tracking.



This Python code constitutes a Flask web application designed to generate random passwords based on user input. Leveraging the Flask framework, the application establishes a basic web interface where users can visit the homepage, input their desired password length through a form, and subsequently trigger the generation of a password.



This Repository Contain All the Artificial Intelligence Projects such as Machine Learning, Deep Learning and Generative AI that I have done while understanding Advanced Techniques & Concepts.



Explore the world of data science with our ultimate repository, a curated collection of resources ranging from beginner-friendly tutorials to advanced machine learning projects.



This repository contains the source code of my personal portfolio, showcasing my skills, projects, and experiences as a Data Scientist
