Kaleb-Rupe / node-auth2-project

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Using JSON Web Tokens


Use Node.js, Express and Knex to build an API with authentication and authorization using JSON Web Tokens.


Task 1: Project Setup and Submission

Your assignment page on Canvas should contain instructions for submitting this project. If you are still unsure, reach out to School Staff.

Task 2: Minimum Viable Product

You will complete the following tasks and do any extra wiring and package installation necessary for the app to compile and pass all tests.

2A - Database Access Functions

Write the following user access functions inside api/users/users-model.js:

  • find
  • findBy
  • findById

2B - Middleware Functions

Write the following auth middlewares inside api/auth/auth-middleware.js:

  • restricted
  • only
  • checkUsernameExists
  • validateRoleName

2C - Endpoints

Authentication will be implemented using JSON Web Tokens.

Write the following endpoints inside api/auth/auth-router.js:

  • [POST] /api/auth/register
  • [POST] /api/auth/login

The endpoints inside api/users/users-router.js are built already but check them out:

  • [GET] /api/users - only users with a valid token can access
  • [GET] /api/users/:user_id - only users with a valid token AND a role of 'admin' can access

2D - Secrets File

Complete the secrets/index.js file.

Users Schema

field data type metadata
user_id unsigned integer primary key, auto-increments, generated by db
username string required, unique
password string required
role_id unsigned integer foreign key, required

Roles Schema

field data type metadata
role_id unsigned integer primary key, auto-increments, generated by db
role_name string required, unique


  • Run tests locally executing npm test.
  • The project comes with migrate, rollback and seed scripts in case you need to reset the database.
  • You are welcome to create additional files but do not move or rename existing files or folders.
  • Do not alter your package.json file except to install extra libraries or add extra scripts. Do not update existing libraries.
  • In your solution, it is essential that you follow best practices and produce clean and professional results.
  • Schedule time to review, refine, and assess your work.
  • Perform basic professional polishing including spell-checking and grammar-checking on your work.

Task 3: Stretch Goals

  • Build a React application that implements components to register, login and view a list of users. Gotta keep sharpening your React skills.



Language:JavaScript 100.0%