Kal-Sel / Maven-Marketing-Challenge

Maven Analytics Campaign Analysis with Tableau

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


The Dashboard can be accessed here!

About the dataset

The dataset contains marketing campaign data of over 2,000 customers. This data set is perfect for applying the data exploration, analysis, and visualization skills to a real world business scenario.
The data set contains marketing campaign data of 2,240 customers of Maven Marketing.

There were several data quality issues, which can be seen here.

Each record represents one customer and contains fields that can be classified as follows:

Customer Profile

ID: Customer's unique identifier
Year_Birth: Customer's birth year
Education: Customer's education level
Marital_Status: Customer's marital status
Income: Customer's yearly household income
Kidhome: Number of children in customer's household
Teenhome: Number of teenagers in customer's household
Dt_Customer: Date of customer's enrollment with the company
Recency: Number of days since customer's last purchase
Complain: 1 if customer complained in the last 2 years, 0 otherwise
Country: Customer's location

Product Preferences

MntWines: Amount spent on wine in the last 2 years
MntFruits: Amount spent on fruits in the last 2 years
MntMeatProducts: Amount spent on meat in the last 2 years
MntFishProducts: Amount spent on fish in the last 2 years
MntSweetProducts: Amount spent on sweets in the last 2 years
MntGoldProds: Amount spent on gold in the last 2 years

Channel Performance

NumWebPurchases: Number of purchases made through the company's web site
NumCatalogPurchases: Number of purchases made using a catalogue
NumStorePurchases: Number of purchases made directly in stores
NumWebVisitsMonth: Number of visits to company's web site in the last month

Campaign Success

NumDealsPurchases: Number of purchases made with a discount
AcceptedCmp1: 1 if customer accepted the offer in the 1st campaign, 0 otherwise
AcceptedCmp2: 1 if customer accepted the offer in the 2nd campaign, 0 otherwise
AcceptedCmp3: 1 if customer accepted the offer in the 3rd campaign, 0 otherwise
AcceptedCmp4: 1 if customer accepted the offer in the 4th campaign, 0 otherwise
AcceptedCmp5: 1 if customer accepted the offer in the 5th campaign, 0 otherwise
Response: 1 if customer accepted the offer in the last campaign, 0 otherwise


Maven Analytics Campaign Analysis with Tableau