KabbAmine / unite-cmus

Cmus source for unite.vim

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Cmus source for unite to play & queue 🎡.

Unite-cmus demo


You should of course have unite installed.

Use your preferred method to install the plugin(s), I recommend you to use a plugin manager.
e.g with Vim-plug using group dependencies feature.

Plug 'KabbAmine/unite-cmus' | Plug 'Shougo/unite.vim'



The plugin provides 2 sources: cmus and cmus/album.
Due to caching, the candidates are gathered very quickly except for the 1st time, (Depending of your music library).

🎡 🎡 🎡 🎡 🎡 🎡

:Unite cmus

Search for paths and file names.
See the gif above.

🎡 🎡 🎡 🎡 🎡 🎡

`:Unite cmus/album`

Search for paths, file names and albums.

Demo of cmus/album source


  • This source can be slow to get candidates the 1st time.
  • Due to vim's limitations, the formatting of non-ASCII characters may be strange (A PR is welcome).

Case of non-ASCII characters

🎡 🎡 🎡 🎡 🎡 🎡


action description
play Play the selected track (Action by default)
queue Add the selected track(s) to the queue playlist
prepend2queue Prepend the selected track(s) to the queue playlist



In g:unite_cmus_cache_dir you can specify a directory where the cache files wil be stored

By default they are created in g:unite_data_directory . '/cmus/' (Which if using unite's default configuration expends to $XDG_CACHE_HOME/unite/cmus/).

API (A very small one πŸ‘…)

A global and unique function is provided to get some useful informations:


It contains 2 properties & 1 method:

  • cache_dir

    Returns the cache directory.

  • current

    Returns a dictionnary containing informations about the the current played song: {'artist': artist, 'title': title, 'album': album}.

  • statusline_str()

    Returns a nicely formatted string to use in a function for statusline: ♬ artist - title

    This is what it looks like in my config (I show/hide it with a key mapping):

    Current song in statusline


You may not need it, but if you want to have a global command to control cmus from vim, add this portion of code to your vimrc (Adapt s:cmusCmds to your needs):

if executable('cmus')
	let s:cmusCmds = {
				\ '-play'      : 'p',
				\ '-pause'     : 'u',
				\ '-stop'      : 's',
				\ '-next'      : 'n',
				\ '-previous'  : 'r',
				\ '-repeat'    : 'R',
				\ '-shuffle'   : 'S',
			\ }

	command! -nargs=? -complete=custom,CompleteCmus Cmus :call <SID>Cmus('<args>')

	function! <SID>Cmus(...) abort
		let l:arg = exists('a:1') && !empty(get(s:cmusCmds, a:1)) ?
					\ get(s:cmusCmds, a:1) : 'u'
		silent call system('cmus-remote -' . l:arg)

	function! CompleteCmus(A, L, P) abort
		return join(keys(s:cmusCmds), "\n")

Then you'll have access to the command :Cmus (Use -pause when no argument is provided).

Usage of Cmus command


Thanks to Bram Moolenaar for creating the best piece of software in the world ❀️
Thanks to @shougo for the wonderful unite.
Thanks to you if you're using unite-cmus.




Cmus source for unite.vim

License:MIT License


Language:Vim Script 100.0%