KPlanisphere / Distracted-Driver-Simulation

Proyecto 1 - Programacion Concurrente Y Paralela

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Distracted Driver Simulation

This project simulates a person performing various tasks while driving, demonstrating the use of Java threads to handle concurrent activities. The primary focus is on creating a realistic scenario where the driver engages in multiple actions such as eating, using a phone, and retouching makeup.


The Distracted Driver Simulation project uses Java's multithreading capabilities to simulate a driver performing various activities while driving. The main class, Persona, contains multiple threads that represent different actions, ensuring they are performed in a synchronized manner to mimic real-life distractions.


  • Multithreading: Utilizes Java's threading capabilities to manage concurrent tasks.
  • Synchronization: Ensures conflicting actions are not performed simultaneously (e.g., holding a hamburger and a phone at the same time).
  • Simulation: Creates a realistic scenario of distracted driving using print statements to represent the driver's actions.

File Structure

  • Hamburmovil/: Root directory containing project files and directories.
    • build.xml: Build script for the project.
    • Manifest file for the project.
    • build/: Directory containing compiled classes and build related files.
      • classes/: Compiled class files.
        • .netbeans_automatic_build: NetBeans automatic build indicator file.
        • .netbeans_update_resources: NetBeans resource update indicator file.
        • Hamburmovil.class: Compiled bytecode of the Hamburmovil class.
        • Persona.class: Compiled bytecode of the Persona class.
        • hamburmovil/ Resource file for the Hamburmovil package.
    • nbproject/: NetBeans project-specific files.
      • build-impl.xml: NetBeans build implementation file.
      • Generated files properties for the NetBeans project.
      • Properties file for the NetBeans project.
      • project.xml: Project configuration file for NetBeans.
      • private/: Private NetBeans project files.
        • Private properties file for NetBeans project.
    • src/: Source directory containing Java source files.
      • hamburmovil/: Package directory for the Hamburmovil classes.
        • Main Java source file for the project.

Main Classes and Methods

Persona Class

This class simulates a person performing various activities while driving, utilizing multiple threads to handle different actions.


public Persona() {
    this.hiloConducir = new Thread(this::conducir);
    this.hiloMirarTelefono = new Thread(this::mirarTelefono);
    this.hiloMirarTelefono2 = new Thread(this::mirarTelefono);
    this.hiloComerHamburguesa = new Thread(this::comerHamburguesa);
    this.hiloComerHamburguesa2 = new Thread(this::comerHamburguesa);
    this.hiloRetocarLabios = new Thread(this::retocarLabios);

Initializes the threads for various actions.

Start Method:

public void start() {

Starts the driving thread, which sequentially manages other activities.

Conducir Method:

private synchronized void conducir() {
    try {
        // Simulation of driving and other activities
        // Additional actions
    } catch (InterruptedException e) {

Manages the driving process and coordinates with other threads.

ComerHamburguesa Method:

private void comerHamburguesa() {
    int cont = 0;
    while (cont < 3) {
        if (hamburguesaEnMano) {
            System.out.println("\tComiendo hamburguesa...");
            try {
            } catch (InterruptedException e) {

Simulates the process of eating a hamburger.

MirarTelefono Method:

private void mirarTelefono() {
    int cont = 0;
    while (cont < 3) {
        if (telefonoEnMano) {
            System.out.println("\tMirando el teléfono...");
            try {
            } catch (InterruptedException e) {

Simulates the process of looking at the phone.

RetocarLabios Method:

private void retocarLabios() {
    int cont = 0;
    while (cont < 3) {
            System.out.println("\tRetocando los labios...");
            try {
            } catch (InterruptedException e) {

Simulates the process of retouching makeup.

Getting Started

To run the simulation, compile the Java files and execute the Hamburmovil class.


  • Java Development Kit (JDK)
  • An IDE or text editor for Java development


  1. Clone the repository.
  2. Navigate to the src directory.
  3. Compile the Java files using javac
  4. Run the simulation using java Hamburmovil.