Kris Kurzawa's repositories
A Very Simple Mobile Hamburger Menu
A clone of the Disney+ website built with React, Vite, Tailwind, the TMBD API, and deployed with Vercel. This app was built by watching the following tutorial:
A full-stack professional portfolio for Kris Kurzawa built with React and Nodemailer. This portfolio has About Me, Portfolio, Contact, and Resume links, as well as links to Kris' Github, LinkedIn, and Stack Overflow profiles.
A professional portfolio for Kris Kurzawa built with React and deployed with Netlify. This portfolio has About Me, Portfolio, Contact, and Resume links, as well as links to Kris' Github, LinkedIn, and Stack Overflow profiles.
A text editor that runs in the browser. The app is a single-page application that meets the PWA criteria. It features a number of data persistence techniques that serve as redundancy in case one of the options is not supported by the browser. The application also functions offline.
An API for a social network web application where users can share their thoughts, react to friends’ thoughts, and create a friend list. This API uses Express.js, MongoDB, Mongoose ODM, JavaScript, and Node.js.
This project is a website for my personal career as a full-stack web developer. It was created so the public can see a snapshot of my projects in one place and provide links to these projects along with links to my contact info, github page, Linkdin profile, and resume.
This project creates an employee management website and uses Handlebars, CSS, JavaScript, Bootstrap, Express, MySql, MySql2, Node, Apexcharts, Sequalize, JawsDb, Heroku, and Bcrypt.
A work day calander in which the current date is displayed, time slots are color coded to past/present/future, and text entries are saved even when the page is refreshed. App uses HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and DayJs.
Note Taker
E Commerce Back End
Professional README Generator
Generates random passwords based on criteria that the user choses using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
This is a command line application that generates a professional SVG logo and uses Javascript, jest, MySql, and node.js.
This is a command line application that allows the user to view and manage things in order to organize and plan their business and uses javascript, node.js, and MySql.
This project creates a quiz about JavaScript fundamentals for students who are learning the language and uses html, css, and javascript.
This project creates a weather dashboard that displays todays weather and the forecast for the next five days of the submitted city and uses html, css, javascript, bootstrap, and Open Weather api.
This project creates a movie database that allows users to search for a movie and uses HTML, CSS, JavaScript, JQuery, Bulma and the TMBD API.
Study Guide for MSU coding bootcamp pre work.