KGG-Dev-Course / taskmaster-api

Task management API

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

TaskMaster API

TaskMaster API is a powerful ASP.NET Core Web API project designed for managing tasks efficiently.


  • Task Management: Create, update, delete, and retrieve tasks.
  • Authentication: Secure endpoints using JWT-based authentication.
  • Database: Utilizes SQL Server for data storage.

Technologies Used

  • ASP.NET Core
  • Entity Framework Core
  • SQL Server
  • JWT Authentication

Getting Started



  1. Clone the repository:
    git clone
  2. Navigate to the project directory:
    cd taskmaster-api
  3. Update the connection string:
    • Open appsettings.json and replace the ConnectionStrings with your SQL Server connection details:
    "ConnectionStrings": {
      "DefaultConnection": "Server=ADMIN\\SQL2022;Database=TaskMaster;Integrated Security=true;"
  4. Run the migration to apply the database schema:
    dotnet ef database update --context TaskMasterDbContext
  5. Run the application:
    dotnet run

API Endpoints

  • GET /api/tasks: Retrieve all tasks.
  • GET /api/tasks/{id}: Retrieve a specific task by ID.
  • POST /api/tasks: Create a new task.
  • PUT /api/tasks/{id}: Update an existing task.
  • DELETE /api/tasks/{id}: Delete a task by ID.


Contributions are welcome! Please follow the guidelines outlined in


This project is licensed under the MIT License.