KFoxder / gilt-js-sdk

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Gilt Groupe JavaScript (jQuery) Public API

Christopher Young-Zawada
Copyright Gilt Groupe 2012

This is a jQuery-based implementation of the the Gilt Groupe Public API.  This script allows simple access to Gilt Groupe sales and product data using AJAX and returns the data as JSON.

gilt-js-api.js is the actual api script, while opening index.html inside of the demo directory will run a small demo application using the api.

To use this script, add it to your document and create a new api object from the GiltApi 
constructor.  You also need to pass in your API key into the constructor as part of instantiation.


var api = new GiltApi('apiKeyString');

With an api instance, you can access active and upcoming sales data, and active products data.
The methods included in GiltApi are:

.getSales([ callback, upcoming, storeName ]);
  -Gets all active sales on gilt.com from Men, Women, Kids and Home sales.
  -Passing true to the second parameter returns upcoming sales instead of active sales.
  -Passing a store name (ie: "women") into the third parameter returns sales only for that store.

.getSaleDetail( storeName, saleKey[, callback ]);
  -Returns sale detail for only one specific sale.
  -saleKey can be found inside of a sale object from getSales with the key 'sale-key'

.getProducts([ callback storeName ]);
  -Returns all of the products that are currently on the gilt.com from Men, Women, Kids and Home.
  -Passing a store name (ie: "women") into the second parameter returns products only for that store.
.getProductDetail( productUrl[, callback ]);
  -Returns product detail for a single product.
  -productUrl values can be found by iterating over returned values of .getProducts();
Every method returns an object to its callback function. Using the API may look something like this:

  function( sales ) {
    for ( sale in sales ) {
  }, true, 'kids') ;

Note:  Every method is asynchronous, so using callbacks is practically required.  The only reason that
missing callbacks do not throw exceptions are due to enable jQuery Deferreds.
