KAZUAKI / KitchenSink

Refactoring of the Titanium Kitchen Sink project

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Welcome to your Appcelerator Titanium Mobile Project

This is tabbed application, consisting of multiple stacks of windows associated with tabs in a tab group.  A starting point for tab-based application with multiple top-level windows. Requires Titanium Mobile SDK 1.8.0+.

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Appcelerator, Appcelerator Titanium and associated marks and logos are 
trademarks of Appcelerator, Inc. 

Titanium is Copyright (c) 2009-2012 by Appcelerator, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Titanium is licensed under the Apache Public License (Version 2). Please
see the LICENSE file for the full license.


Refactoring of the Titanium Kitchen Sink project
