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JSBasics - Week 1 - Notes

What we will be covering:

  • Why languages?
  • Interpreted vs compiled languages
  • Why JS >> Other languages in some use-cases
  • Static vs dynamic languages
  • Single threaded nature of JS
  • Simple primitives in JS (number, strings, booleans)
  • Complex primitives in JS (arrays, objects)
  • Functions in Javascript
  • Practice problem solving
  • Callback functions, Event loop, callback queue, Asynchronous programming
  • Callback hell and Promises


Why we need languages:

Why can not we have one language do it all? We have different languages but they eventually go through the compiler to become one language which is 0s and 1s.

Interpreted vs compiled languages

JS is interpreted, unlike C or Java. You write and just run the file, the whole JS file, unlike in C where you have to run a compiled output file (which is what a compiled language does.) This interpreted natire of language allows for partial execution.

How to run a JS file?

Execute node <filename>.js in your terminal.

Example: node main.js

Why JS >> Other languages in some use-cases

Browsers can only understand HTML/CSS/JS (not technically true) Thanks to Node.js, Javascript can also be used for "Backend Development"

Static vs dynamic languages

JS is loosely typed, you can assign one variable to different types of data. Which is frowned upon, hence the advent of TypeScript.

Single threaded nature of JS

JS is always run on a single core, so you can not really split up work contextually between different cores. Hence it is a bad language to use on/for scaleable systems.

Defiing Variables in JS

let, var, const:

The use of var is deprecated. Look at the code to understand the use of let, var, and const.

I will update the README soon... I have final exams (sad emoji)



Language:JavaScript 100.0%