K3V1991 / Increase-Perfomance-on-Windows

Tips and Tricks to increase the Performance on Windows

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Tips and Tricks to increase the Performance on Windows

Table of Contents:


Keep Your PC Cool to Prevent Thermal Throttling

One of the biggest Reasons for Frame Drops and Lags in Games is Overheating.
The biggest Causes of excess Heating in PCs is a build-up of Dust on the Fans and other Components inside your Case.


It might be obvious, but it's not the first Thing that usually comes to Mind.
When the Device restarts, the computer usually terminates the Applications and Processes.
The Data loaded into Memory gets cleared, which helps to resolve everyday Performance and Stability Issues.

Close Background Processes

If you have hardware-hungry Programs open in the Background, they may prevent your PC from using its full Potential in games—particularly if you have a lower-end PC with limited Resources.

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Disable startup Apps

Many Apps can register themselves to start automatically during Startup and continue to run in the Background, wasting System Resources that can slow down the Experience.

  1. Open Settings
  2. Click on Apps
  3. Click on Startup
  4. Click the Sort by Menu and select the Startup Impact Option
  5. Turn off the Toggle Switch for any unnecessary App (especially those marked as "High impact" by the System).
  6. Restart the PC

Disable Apps relaunch on Startup

Windows has a Feature that restarts the Apps from your last Session after a Reboot, even before you sign in.
Although this is a valuable Feature that can speed up the process of quickly resuming where you left off, it can also impact System Performance.

  1. Open Settings
  2. Click on Accounts
  3. Click on Sign-in Options
  4. Under the Restart apps Section, turn off the Toggle Switch

Uninstall non-essential Apps

New Devices come with Applications you do not need, including the usual Bloatware and System Tools that you will never use that only waste Space on the Drive and Resources.

  1. Open Settings
  2. Click on Apps
  3. Click on Apps & features
  4. Select the App to remove
  5. Click the Uninstall Button
  6. Continue with the on-screen Directions to finish removing the App

Install quality Apps only

Old and poorly designed Apps that load unnecessary Features can negatively affect the Performance of your Computer.
Because an App comes from a Company you trust does not mean it's a good App.

Update Applications

Outdated Apps can slow down a Computer, which is usually due to Bugs or Compatibility Problems with a new Version of Windows.
If you have an App affecting Performance, check your Software Support Website for a newer Update and the instructions to apply it.

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Install latest Updates of Windows

Microsoft proactively releases Updates to address Problems, add new Features and patch Security Vulnerabilities.
Upgrading to the most recent Version can help to speed up the Performance or introduce new Features that could make you more productive to get Work done faster.

Update Your Graphics Drivers

Manufacturers like NVIDIA and AMD regularly issue Driver Updates that contain Optimizations for the latest Games.
Installing the Manufacturer's Drivers and keeping them up-to-date can give you a serious Boost in Performance, particularly on new Titles.

Update or install DirectX

DirectX is a Key Element of the Gaming Experience on Windows.
DirectX 12 is the latest version of the API Tool, and it offers support for multiple GPU and CPU Cores, better Frame Rates, lower Power Consumption and enhanced Graphical Effects.

Update Device Drivers

If your Computer is running slow because of a compatibility Issue or a poorly designed Driver, you could resolve the Issue by installing the most recent or Version from the Manufacturer Support Website.

  1. Open Start
  2. Search for Device Manager and click the top Result to open the App
  3. Expand the Branch for the Device Driver causing Problems (for Example, Display Adapters)
  4. Right-click the Device and select the Update driver Option
  5. Click the Browse my computer for drivers Option
  6. Under the Search for drivers in this location Section, click the Browse Button
  7. Select the Folder with the Device Driver Installation Files
  8. Click the OK Button
  9. Click the Next Button
  10. Click the Close Button
  11. After you complete the Steps, the new Version of the driver will install to fix Compatibility or any other Issues affecting the System

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Tweak Display Options:

If you have a High Refresh Rate Monitor that runs at 144Hz or higher, you need to enable that Refresh Rate in Windows before you see smoother Gameplay.

  • Go to Settings > System > Display, choose Advanced Display Settings and set your Refresh Rate as high as it will go.
  • You'll also want to explore your Monitor's built-in Gaming Options, like the Overdrive Feature that reduces Motion Blur.

Refine Game Graphics

Get the best Performance from your Games by setting their in-game Graphics Options properly.
Some Games may auto-detect your Configuration and adjust their Settings accordingly, but if not, the pre-configured Low, Medium, and High Settings can help you.
You might even be able to find a Graphics Settings Guide for specific Games online.

Tweak Nvidia Control Panel or Radeon Control Center

Graphics Drivers from NVIDIA and AMD come with their own Control Panels that let you tweak the Graphics Settings.

Overclock Your GPU

MSI Afterburner is one of the most popular Software to tune GPU Settings.
It is reliable, works on Graphics Cards from all Brands and lets you monitor your Hardware in Real Time.

Switch to High Performance Power Plan

Windows includes different Plans (Balanced, Power Saver, and High Performance) to optimize the Power usage on your Computer.
If you want to boost the System Performance, use the High performance Option since it allows the PC to use more Power to operate faster.

  1. Open Settings
  2. Click on System
  3. Click on Power & sleep
  4. Under the Related settings Section, click the Additional power settings Option
  5. Click the Show additional plans Option
  6. Select the High performance Power Plan

Adjust Your Mouse Settings

Pointer Precision or Mouse Acceleration, will move your Cursor farther when you move your Mouse faster.
This can be handy at Times, but it isn't ideal for Gaming where you want to build that Muscle Memory, predict where your Cursor will land and get Enemies in your Crosshairs.

  • Windows 10: Settings > Devices > Mouse > Additional Mouse Options
  • Windows 11: Settings > Bluetooth & Devices > Mouse > Additional mouse settings Note: Make sure the Pointer Speed is set to the default sixth Notch from the left and Enhance Pointer Precision is disabled

Disable Visual Effects

  1. Open Settings
  2. Click on System
  3. Click on About
  4. Under the Related settings Section, click the Advanced system settings Option from the right Pane
  5. Click the Advanced Tab
  6. Under the Performance Section, click the Settings Button
  7. Click the Visual Effects Tab
  8. Select the Adjust for best performance Option to disable all the Effects and Animations
  9. Click the Apply Button
  10. Click the OK Button

Disable Transparency Effects

Speed up Windows by disabling Fluent Design Effects.

  1. Open Settings
  2. Click on Personalization
  3. Click on Colors
  4. Turn off the Transparency effects Toggle Switch

Disable Automatic Updates

Windows will automatically update your OS and schedule a Restart without your Permission.
Not only can Automatic Updates restart Windows without warning, downloading Updates in the Background will limit your Network Connectivity.

  1. Open Settings
  2. Click Update and Security
  3. Select Windows Update
  4. Look for Advanced options then click Update Options
  5. Disable Restart this device as soon as possible when a restart is required to install an update
  6. Enable Show a notification
  7. Use Pause updates to delay installation of updates for up to 7 days

Manage Active Hours

Windows may install Updates and reboot your Computer without your Permission or when you are playing Games.

  1. Open Settings
  2. Choose Update & Security
  3. On the right Panel, click Change active hours
  4. Set the Start Time and End Time based on your Needs
  5. Click Save

Disable Notifications

The Focus Assist Feature in Windows lets you specify how and when you receive Notifications.

  1. Open Settings
  2. Click System
  3. Select Focus Assist
  4. Select Alarms Only to hide all other Notifications
  5. Ensure When I'm playing a game is set to On

Disable Search Indexing

Although Windows Search is an important Feature to find Apps, Settings and Files, the Indexing Process can sometimes consume many Resources that can negatively impact the Experience.
If you keep your Files organized, you can slow down the Indexing Process by excluding all Search Locations.

  1. Open Settings
  2. Click on Search
  3. Click on Search Windows
  4. Under the More Search Indexer Settings Section, click the Advanced Search Indexer Settings Option
  5. Click the Modify Button
  6. Click the Show all locations Button
  7. Under the Change selected locations Section, clear all the selected Locations
  8. Click the OK Button

Disable Prefetch

Prefetch is a Windows System Service that silently fetches Resources before an Application in the Future requires them.
As soon as a Application is launched, Windows comes back to this Cache File and using the already fetched Resources and it ends up opening the Application faster than usual.

  1. Search for regedit in the Windows Search Bar and open the Registry Editor
  2. Navigate to the following Key using the left Pane: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Memory Management\PrefetchParameters
  3. Double-click on EnablePrefetcher in the right Pane and change the DWORD (32-bit) Value to 0

Disable SysMain

SysMain (formerly SuperFetch) is a built-in Windows Feature that improves Startup Times for Apps and Windows itself.
Indeed, Background Activity often increases when it is enabled, but turning it off can improve Gaming Performance on your PC.
Note: Disabling SysMain is redundant if you're using an SSD, but some HDD Users might benefit from it.

  1. Open Start
  2. Open Quick Access Menu
  3. Open Computer ManagementOn the left Side open Services and Applications and there Services
  4. Select SysMain in the Services List and click on Stop the service

Disable VBS/HVCI to increase Performance in Windows 11

Virtualization-based security allows Windows 11 to create a Secure Memory Enclave that's isolated from unsafe Code.
Another built-in feature called Hypervisor-Enforced Code Integrity (HVCI) uses the capabilities of VBS to prevent unsigned or questionable Drivers and Software from getting into Memory.
VBS and HVCI have a significant Performance Cost, particularly when it comes to gaming. As much as ~5% slower with these Settings on.

  1. Search for Core isolation in Windows Search and click the top Result
  2. Toggle Memory integrity to Off
  3. Reboot your PC as prompted
  4. Check System Information again to see if Virtualization-based security is listed as Not enabled

Increase Page File Size

The Page File is a hidden File on the Drive that works as Memory and it acts as an Overflow of the System Memory, which holds Data for Apps currently running on the Computer.
If you increase the size of the Paging File, it can help boost System Performance.

  1. Open Settings
  2. Click on System
  3. Click on About
  4. Under the Related settings Section, click the Advanced system settings Option
  5. Click the Advanced Tab
  6. Under the Performance Section, click the Settings Button
  7. Click the Advanced Tab
  8. Under the Virtual memory Section, click the Change Button
  9. Clear the Automatically manage paging files size for all drives Option
  10. Select the Custom size Option
  11. Specify the initial and maximum Size for the Paging File in Megabytes
  12. Click the Set Button
  13. Click the OK Button
  14. Click the OK Button again
  15. Restart your Computer

Configure ReadyBoost

ReadyBoost is not new to Windows. It's been around for Years as a Feature that uses a Flash Drive or SD Card to cache Files to boost the overall System Performance.

  1. Open File Explorer
  2. Click on This PC from the left Pane
  3. Under the Devices and drives Section, right-click the USB Flash Drive and select the Properties Option
  4. Click on the ReadyBoost Tab
  5. Select the Dedicate this device to ReadyBoost Option
  6. Click the Apply Button
  7. Click the OK Button

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Clean Drive Space

Whether you have a traditional Disk Hard Drive (HDD) or Solid-State Drive (SSD), it's never wise to run Windows with an almost full Hard Drive because it will affect Performance.

  1. Open Settings.
  2. Click on System
  3. Click on Storage
  4. Under the Local Disk Section, click the Temporary files Option (If you do not see the Option, click the Show more categories Option to view the remaining Items in the List.)
  5. Check the Files you want to delete to reclaim Space and improve System Performance
  6. Click the Remove files Button

Use Drive Defragmentation (HDD-only)

If you have a Computer with older Hardware and a traditional rotating Platters Hard Drive, organizing the Data can increase the Responsiveness.

  1. Open Settings
  2. Click on System
  3. Click on Storage
  4. Under the More storage settings Section, click the Optimize Drives Option
  5. Select the Drive that needs Defragmentation
  6. Click the Optimize Button

Upgrade to faster Drive

Upgrading to a Solid State Drive is perhaps one of the best Ways to increase Performance on older Hardware.

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Wire up over Ethernet

If your Game is lagging, stuttering or constantly losing Connection, you'll need to improve your Network Connection.
Your best Bet is a wired connection. Grab an Ethernet Cable and connect your Computer directly to your Router.

Improve Wi-Fi

  • Update Your Router Firmware
  • Achieve optimal Router Placement
  • Quality of Service (QoS) Tools to limit the Amount of Bandwidth that Apps use
  • Choose a Channel manually (if Neighboring Wireless Networks are also using the same Channel, you'll encounter Signal Congestion)
  • Upgrade Your obsolete Hardware
  • Reach further with a Range Extender or Mesh Wi-Fi

Optimize Online Gaming with faster DNS

If you're playing Online Multiplayer or relying on a Remote Server for Windows Gaming, Network Traffic can cause Problems.

  1. Open Settings
  2. Find Network and Internet
  3. Select Change Adapter Settings
  4. Right-click on your Wireless Network
  5. Select Properties
  6. Highlight Internet Protocol Version 4
  7. Make a Note of the two DNS Entries for future Reference
  8. Replace them with and
  9. Click OK, then Close

Disable Nagle's Algorithm

Nagle's Algorithm improves Internet Connection by reducing the Number of Packets that need to be sent over the Network.
It is helpful for slower Connections but can contribute to Latency Issues when playing Online Games.

  1. Open Windows Registry Editor (regedit) and navigate to the following Folder: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip\Parameters\Interfaces
  2. You will see several Sub Folders
  3. Click through each to find the DhcpIPAddress Value in the right Pane that matches your IP Address
  4. Find the correct Folder with your IP Address as the DhcpIPAddress Value, right-click and create a new DWORD (32-bit) Value in the same Folder
  5. Name it TcpAckFrequency
  6. Give it a Value of 1
  7. Repeat the Process for a second Entry named TCPNoDelay with a Value of 1
  8. Restart your PC

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Repair and reset:

Repair Windows Setup Files

If the Computer shows Signs of Performance Issues, it could be due to corrupted System Files.
You can use the System File Checker (SFC) Command Line Tool and Deployment Image Service and Management Tool (DISM) to fix the Setup without re-installation.

  • SFC:
  1. Open Start
  2. Search for Command Prompt, right-click the top result and click the Run as Administrator Option
  3. Type the following Command to repair the Installation and press Enter: sfc /scannow
  4. The Tool should be able to fix any Problem affecting Performance
  • DISM:
  1. Open Start
  2. Search for Command Prompt, right-click the top result and click the Run as Administrator Option
  3. Type the following Command to repair the Installation and press Enter: DISM /Online /Cleanup-image /Restorehealth
  4. The Device should now operate normally if the Utility has finished successfully. If the scan had Issues, you should also use the SFC Command Line Tool

Reset Device to Factory Defaults

Reset the Computer to the Factory Default Settings to start fresh with a clean Copy of Windows to improve Startup, Shutdown, Battery Life and overall System Performance.
Note: If you choose to erase your Files, you should consider creating a Full Backup or making a Copy of your Files to an External Drive before proceeding.

  1. Open Settings
  2. Click on Update & Security
  3. Click on Recovery
  4. Under the Reset this PC Section, click the Get started Button
  5. Click the Keep my Files Button. (You can also click the Remove everything Button to erase everything and install a clean Copy of Windows)
  6. Select the Local reinstall Option
  7. Click the Next Button
  8. Click the Reset Button

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