JyotiP123 / Redbus-Website-Clone

RedBus-clone: We all have tried our best to cover most of the features of this website; like user signup, sign out, searching for buses, filter functionality, booking, payment pages, ticket confirmation etc.

Home Page:https://phenomenal-kleicha-acfce4.netlify.app/

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

This is the Clone of Redbus Website which is India's no.1 online bus ticket booking app. It is an Indian travel agency that specializes in bus travel throughout India by selling bus tickets throughout the country.
We have cloned this website in our construct week project and tried our best to give the best output. Tech Used : Html, Css, Javascript


RedBus-clone: We all have tried our best to cover most of the features of this website; like user signup, sign out, searching for buses, filter functionality, booking, payment pages, ticket confirmation etc.



Language:HTML 61.2%Language:JavaScript 22.9%Language:CSS 15.9%