Jonathan Bruce (JwBZx)


Geek Repo

Location:Anderson, SC

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Jonathan Bruce's repositories


Welcome to BazingaBoard! This is a project dedicated to the Bazinga Board from my 7-9 Bible Study Group! It is a random card generator that takes advantage of Arrays and other types of JavaScript code like Objects, if/else statements, and more! Remember to choose your cards wisely! Mwahahahaha! :scream: :diamonds: :+1:



Welcome to BHB: The BlockHeads Book! This is a companion JavaScript App to the mobile game "The BlockHeads" containing Tips, Information, and Help!



Welcome to BogeyBruce! This is a GitHub Repository and a Project dedicated to our amazing dog: Bogey Bruce (2001-October 10th, 2015)! It is just going to be a celebration of the amazing life that he lived and of all the joy that he brought to everybody he met! If you want to learn more, you can go to! Thank You for checking out this project and God Bless! [R.I.P. Bogey Bruce 2001-2015]



My JWB Coding (Meteor/React/JavaScript/HTML/CSS/GDScript/Whatever Else) Cheat Sheet/Guide :)



A Web Theme for Churches (#1) By JwBZx (



An App By Jonathan Bruce (@JwBZx)



Welcome to My JWB Hello World Repository! I am making this repository to go along with the GitHub "Hello World" Guide.



Welcome to TNT ("Temptation No Tempting!"), a JavaScript Application that is going to encourage me with Bible Verses, Songs, and more when I am being tempted. I also hope that this application might be able to help those who are also struggling through temptation of any kind (whether Porn, Alochol, Drugs, etc., though this will mainly be focused on Porn, Lust, and Masturbation and the temptation that comes with that). I also think that the name is awesome, because I didn't know what to call this app and then I typed out "Temptation No Tempting" (based off of Dora) and then I saw the acronym was TNT which is a cool acronym! Anyways, thanks for checking out this repository and this project! God Bless! :D :)



Welcome to Ignite! :fire::crown::arrow_up::+1: This is a GitHub Repository where I will place any inspiration (like app, game, software, and website ideas, Bible Verses, message notes, or anything else) that I got from Ignite 2015. I will update this repository with any inspiration, good sermon notes, or anything else I feel needs to be here!



the css framework to help you forget css



Welcome to MagicTheSethening! This is a GitHub Repository dedicated to Magic The Gathering (which I got addicted to on [late] Friday [night], November 6th, 2015)! I might use this repository as a way to promote an app, publish a begineer's guide, or whatever I want to that is related to MTG! This repository will be dedicated to Seth who is one of my best friends and the person who got me into Magic The Gathering while at #ignite (#ignite2015)! Thank You for checking out this repository and God Bless! ---Jonathan Bruce (@JwBZx)



Maple A Wish, a MapleStory Wishlist App (written in JavaScript and Meteor) by Jonathan Bruce (@JwBZx) (WIP)



Welcome to Meteorite! This is a Meteor Project and Repository where I will be using my knowledge so far of Meteor, JavaScript, HTML, and CSS to make something. If that was kind of vague, basically this is just a playground or testing ground where I can make something in Meteor (whether it be big or small). This repository is also separate from "MeteorTodoApp", which is the repository in which I put my own version of the Meteor Todo App that they teach you in the tutorial. Anyway this is a super long description so I'm just going to end it here haha Thank You for checking out this repository and God Bless!



Welcome to MeteorTodoApp. This is the app that I made using the stuff I learned from the Meteor Todo App tutorial on the Meteor website. It's super simple, but it's really cool! Glad all of my learning has built up to this :)



SodaBible: A WIP Bible App by Jonathan Bruce (@JwBZx)/@Soderminal



Welcome to TheQueenAndKing'sAdventure, a simple "Choose Your Own Adventure"-like game that is all about The Queen (one of my best friends in the entire world: Laura) and The (Loser) King (me)! It is a fun game that I have started on my own, but maybe can finish with her (which would be awesome)! I hope you like this game, and also this project/repository! If you have any comments, questions, or ideas, feel free to open up an issue or fork the project and work on it yourself! Thank You and God Bless!



Welcome to The Soderminal App! This is the Official Repository for the app for my company: Soderminal! It is a JavaScript application that tells you information, gives you the links to our websites and social networks, showcases the stuff we have made, and more! Thank You for checking out this repository and for supporting my company: Soderminal!



VerseBox: A Simple Application for Storing Bible Verses
