Juyong / FrameFab

A Fabrication Sequence Design Algorithm for Robotic Fabrication of Frame Shapes

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1. Overview

This code implements the algorithm in the following paper:

Yijiang Huang, Juyong Zhang, Xin Hu, Guoxian Song, Zhongyuan Liu, Lei Yu, Ligang Liu. FrameFab: Robotic Fabrication of Frame Shapes. ACM Trans. Graph. 35, 6, 2016.

2. Dependencies

2.1 General ways to include libraries in Visual Studio 2013 C++ projects

  1. Download src/.lib/.dll from website.
  2. "Linker > General > Additional Library Directory": add "$(LIBRARYDIR)\include".
  3. "Linker > Input > Additional Dependencies": add ".lib".
  4. "My Computer > Properties > Advanced > Environment Variables": add "$(LIBRARYDIR)\bin".

2.2 Qt

Download Qt 5.5.1 from "https://www.qt.io/download/". (OpenGL should be included in Qt.)


Download LAPACK 3.5.0 from "http://www.netlib.org/lapack/".

2.4 Mosek

Download Mosek 7.0 from "https://www.mosek.com/resources/downloads".

2.5 Eigen

Download Eigen 3 from "http://eigen.tuxfamily.org/index.php?title=Main_Page".

3.6 Geometric Tools Engine

Download Geometric Tools Engine 2.4 from "http://www.geometrictools.com/Downloads/Downloads.html".

3. FrameFab instructions

  1. Read a .obj file into FrameFab.
  2. Click Choose ceiling, choose the edges that you want them to be ceiling. Click again or press ESC to finish.
  3. Click Choose base, choose the vertexes that you want them to be base. Click again or press ESC to finish.
  4. Click Project to project base vertexes to a flat plane which is below the lowest position of all the vertexes. The vertexes projected on the plane are fixed vertexes and the edges connecting base vertexes and fixed vertexes are pillars.
  5. Click FiberPrint to run the whole process.
  6. When it is done, you can turn on Heat under the Edge mode to see the result of layer-decomposition.

4. Contact

The code is written by Xin Hu (hx37118@mail.ustc.edu.cn), Yijiang Huang (yijiangh@mit.edu) and Guoxian Song (sgx2012@mail.ustc.edu.cn). Feel free to contact them if you have any comments.


A Fabrication Sequence Design Algorithm for Robotic Fabrication of Frame Shapes



Language:C++ 99.4%Language:C 0.6%