Juvvvy / Flash-Arbitrage-Bot

Crypto arbitrage bot that searches for a significant difference in crypto prices on a number of exchanges and will execute the simultaneous buying and selling of said crypto through a flash loan provided by the AAVE Flash Loan Smart Contract V2.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Flash Arbitrage Bot

πŸ”Flash Arbitrage Bot - Efficient and user-friendly software for easy Arbitrage automatisation.

Flash Arbitrage Bot Software, a premier solution for Arbitrage transactions. 🌐

Disclaimer ⚠️

This software is for ethical use only.

Support Our Vision 🌟

Donation Address (ETH/BNB/ERC20/BEP20): 0x00fC876d03172279E04CC30E5edCE110c3d23C1A

Engage & Contribute 🌐


  1. Multi-Chain Support
  2. Flash Arbitrage Tools
  3. Developer Opportunities
  4. Transaction Tracking

Special Features πŸ’Ž

  • Splitable: Divide easily.
  • Swappable: Exchange effortlessly.
  • Flash Duration: Control your timing.

Download and Install πŸ“

  1. You can download the archive with the program from latest builds.
  2. Unzip files from the zip archive to any convenient folder.
  3. Run file FlashArbitrageBot.exe.

πŸ™ Thank You for Believing in Us! πŸ’–


Crypto arbitrage bot that searches for a significant difference in crypto prices on a number of exchanges and will execute the simultaneous buying and selling of said crypto through a flash loan provided by the AAVE Flash Loan Smart Contract V2.


Language:Java 100.0%