Justineo / webpack-async-chunk-current-script

Reproduction of webpack's async chunks triggering a potential bug of Firefox.

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  1. Run npm i
  2. Run npm run build
  3. Open index.html in Chrome and Firefox and you'll see the difference.


The entry file is index.js which contains only:


Where async.js calls document.currentScript:


document.getElementById("output").textContent = document.currentScript
  ? document.currentScript.src
  : "null";

After we compiled index.js with webpack, two files will be produce into the dist folder:


After introducing the main.js in index.html, we'll notice that in Chrome, we can see the correct script src:


While in Firefox we got null.

After I did a little investigation, the only difference I found is that Firefox is treating scripts run inside a micro task the same way as those in timeout callbacks, making document.currentScript being evaluated as null. While in other browsers, it's evaluated to the expected script element.

Per the HTML spec:

(document.currentScript) Returns null if the Document is not currently executing a script or SVG script element (e.g., because the running script is an event handler, or a timeout), or if the currently executing script or SVG script element represents a module script.

I'd say it's a little ambiguous about whether for micro tasks it should return null. Plus this section is labelled as "non-normative". But it's indeed unexpected that browsers handle this differently.

Though it's a potential bug on the Firefox side, but I think we have a chance to fix this on the webpack side.

When webpack generates an async chunk, we can evaluate document.currentScript synchronously upfront, and save it to a private variable like __webpack_current_script__ so that if developers have a chance to work this around by try accessing __webpack_current_script__ instead of document.currentScript.


Reproduction of webpack's async chunks triggering a potential bug of Firefox.


Language:HTML 53.2%Language:JavaScript 46.8%