Justineo / lerna-renovate-repro

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

postUpgradeTasks repro

Original discussion: renovatebot/renovate#13102


Lerna has a bug when working with npm@7+ (lerna/lerna#2845) that all indentation spaces in package-lock.json will be replaced with tabs. So we added a postUpgradeTasks config to run prettier --write packages/**/package-lock.json to fix this (convert tabs back to spaces).

The structure of this repro:

└─ packages
   ├─ my-foo → nanoid@3.1.30
   └─ my-bar → nanoid@3.1.29

This is a monorepo based on Lerna, with two packages: my-foo and my-bar. They both depend on nanoid with different versions. my-foo depends on 3.1.30 and my-bar depends on 3.1.29. I configured the project to use renovate to upgrade only nanoid to latest patch version.

Expected behavior

Renovate upgrades nanoid to latest patch version and only necessary changes are committed, prettier runs on package-lock.json before Renovate commits the changes.

Actual behavior

Renovate upgrades nanoid to latest patch version correctly for my-bar but for my-foo the package-lock.json is not correctly formatted by Prettier.

Renovate config

  "$schema": "https://docs.renovatebot.com/renovate-schema.json",
  "repositories": ["Justineo/lerna-renovate-repro"],
  "packageRules": [
      "matchPackagePatterns": ["*"],
      "enabled": false
      "matchPackageNames": ["nanoid"],
      "matchBaseBranches": ["master"],
      "enabled": true
  "rangeStrategy": "bump",
  "allowedPostUpgradeCommands": ["prettier"],
  "postUpgradeTasks": {
    "commands": ["npx prettier --write packages/**/package-lock.json"],
    "fileFilters": ["packages/**/package-lock.json"],
    "executionMode": "update"
