Website to put an end to the Society of St. Tammany in New York City.
If you want to help in the devellopement of the project, check the Wiki section of GitHub:
Great history:
Martin Scorsese made a movie that illustrated the power of the Society of St. Tammany while everyone was fighting:
200 years laters, we are still fighting while the party bosses pick candidates.
I am one of them and I don't like it, so this code is about breaking Aaron Burr shenanigans.
Theo Chino
This is how the meeting goes around in about 3000 counties around the United States. This meeting happened in Richmond County or Staten Island. Everyone was pissed at the county chair that he decided not to appear and resign but the remplacement is a Lawmaker.
This is how the meeting went in New York County or Manhattan. A lot of drama.
First, those elected in 2019 were told they would not be able to select the leadership:
Second, it went to court and a judge said the new elected people would be able to select the leadership:
And this is how the meeting ended up organised.
This is built using OpenData, and as much as possible Open Source and Free (as Freedom) Software.