JustJordanT / Fungus

A Terraform Deployer

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Project Fungus: GitOps for Terraform Infrastructure Deployment


Project Summary:

Project Fungus aims to create a GitOps tool similar to ArgoCD but specifically designed for Terraform infrastructure deployments. The tool will continuously monitor designated repositories for changes in the Terraform code, and upon detecting changes, it will automatically apply those changes to deploy and manage the corresponding infrastructure. This streamlined approach will enhance collaboration, version control, and automated deployment within infrastructure management using GitOps principles.

graph TD
    subgraph "Terraform Code Repositories"
        A((Repo 1)) --> |Terraform Code| B{{Fungus}}
        C((Repo 2)) --> |Terraform Code| B
        D((Repo 3)) --> |Terraform Code| B

    subgraph "Fungus - GitOps Tool"
        B --> |Monitor Changes| E[Detect Changes]
        E --> |Changes Detected| F[Retrieve Terraform Code]
        F --> |Apply Changes| G[Deploy Infrastructure]

    subgraph "Infrastructure"
        G --> |Automated Deployment| H[Infrastructure Components]

    subgraph "Users and Collaboration"
        I[Developers/Operators] --> B
        I --> C
        I --> D
        I --> H


A Terraform Deployer

License:MIT License