JavaScript programming course for beginners by Juraj Mäsiar, author of FastAddons.
Facebook page for this course:
Slack link for communication:
- 21.06.2018 at 13:50 - fifteenth class - implementing new Typing game for education!
- 14.06.2018 at 13:50 - fourteenth class - Snake game - final touch + starting new Typing game for education!
- 07.06.2018 at 13:50 - class canceled! (students are busy with final exams)
- 24.05.2018 at 13:50 - thirteenth class - Snake game - implementation continues Make sure to play: Grasshopper game
- 17.05.2018 at 14:15 - canceled - no one come :(
- 10.05.2018 at 14:15 - twelfth class - Snake game - implementation
- 03.05.2018 at 14:15 - eleventh class - Snake game - design
- 26.04.2018 at 14:15 - tenth class - this class we will play games that will teach you to code!
- 19.04.2018 at 14:15 - ninth class - finishing our swapping letters experiment (homework from first class)
- 12.04.2018 at 14:15 - eight class - playing with different version of shuffle
- 05.04.2018 at 14:15 - seventh class - playing with shuffle
- 28.03.2018 at 14:15 - WARNING: next class is moved to Wednesday due to school holiday on Thursday
- 22.03.2018 at 14:15 will be fifth class
- 15.03.2018 at 14:15 will be forth class - HOMEWORK - based on the tutorial below install all tools on your home PC and try to run some scripts (see the YouTube video)
- 08.03.2018 at 14:15 will be third class
- 01.03.2018 at 14:15 will be the second class, again in the room 123 in Obchodná akadémia building
- 15.02.2018 at 14:15 begins our journey in the room 123 in Obchodná akadémia building
Video-tutorial with slovak speaker is available here:
install Intellij Idea Ultimate IDE:
This is the software where we will develop our applications. However this is a payed product but you can get a free license as a student:
Alternatively you can download free Ultimate EAP version (early access version that can contains bugs, but it's good enough) here:
Make sure to download Ultimate version! -
install Git -
install Node.js -
install Python -
make sure you have Firefox or Chrome web-browser - we will be using Firefox Developer Edition -
open installed Git console and type:
mkdir git
cd git
git clone
After these steps you will have all your files in your PC and you can start developing using Intellij Idea by opening the cloned directory.