Jumaruba / Talk-A-Bit-Competition-23

Official repository with solutions for the Talk A Bit event 2023

Repository from Github https://github.comJumaruba/Talk-A-Bit-Competition-23Repository from Github https://github.comJumaruba/Talk-A-Bit-Competition-23

Talk a Bit Competition 23

Problem Name Type Difficulty Reference/Example
p1 Twoitwo Social Network DFS, BFS, disjoint sets Medium LeetCode - Possible bipartition
p2 Hugo's Bank Account Dynamic Programming Easy CSES - 1637
p3 Fabulous Formula Successive Bissection, binary search Easy ---
p4 Billy Gato Sells Candies Kadane algorithm Easy UVA - 507
p5 Maryana's coins Sort, Dynamic programming Hard CSES - 2183
p6 Covid second dosage XOR Easy Leetcode - 136


Official repository with solutions for the Talk A Bit event 2023


Language:C++ 61.9%Language:Shell 26.2%Language:Python 11.9%