JulienD / build-profile

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


A script to build a Drupal site from make files with all the custom code.


platform-build.sh SOURCE_DIR [DESTINATION_DIR]

Builds Drupal installation using make scripts found in SOURCE_DIR directory.

Make scripts in the SOURCE_DIR directory should be named:

Also, SOURCE_DIR should include all required install profile files.

If no DESTINATION_DIR is specified, the new site will be built in ./www directory.


Clone 2.x branch of Drupal Commerce Kickstart installation profile and build it in /var/www/ directory.

git clone --branch 7.x-2.x http://git.drupal.org/project/commerce_kickstart.git
./platform-build.sh commerce_kickstart /var/www
