JulianAlonso / JASOON

Swift JSON parsing library

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Version License


So simple, library to parse JSON Objects.

Where is the value?

Provide very useful errors, with them you will know what value is missing and from where. If you are parsing some property to one object wich property is not optional, the error will tell you what property is and what object. Forgot spend time debugging to find out the error. Also will tell you if the error is a type error. If you are parsing a string to int, it will fail and also will tell you where and why. Debugging JSON parsing never has been so easy.

Really simple to use.

To make objects created by json you only need implement ExpressibleByJSON like this:

struct Person {
  let name: String
  let age:  Int
extension Person: ExpressibleByJSON {
  init(_ json: JSON) throws {
    self.name = try json <<< "name"
    self.age  = try json <<< "age"

Then create the object:

  session.dataTaskWithRequest(someRequest) { data, response, error in
    if let data = data {
      do {
        let json = try JSON(data)
        let person = try Person(json)
      } catch {
        //Elevate error...

Forgot optional types.

Yes, right now, you can forgot parsing json like this:

  if let string = json["string"] as? String {
    //Do something...

JASON works with operators, <<< for all types and <<<? for optional types. The usage its simply, get the JSON object (provided by JASON), and get fields.

If you want a string: let string = try json <<< "name" as String, (if the type is previus declarated like in classes or structs, you dont need the as keyword self.name = try json <<< "name")

And optional types are the same, but using the optional operator that not throws an error. let optionalString: String? = json <<<? "name"

JASON also will infer types for us, any type that implements ExpressibleByJSON or ConvertibleFromJSON can be parsed, by this way, all the types that you want can be parsed. This allow us to have nested types, parse arrays and dictionarys in the most simple way possible and of course, on failing cases will provide us very useful debug info

¿Why throwing? We know that some type requires some fiels, and some fields aren't optional, when we got that situation, why we unwrapp optionals all the time? We spent a lot of time taking care about this errors, processing them, logging some info... We don't need optional types when types aren't optional, we need not optional types, then we throw very useful errors.

When we parse JSON objects and the parsing process fails, we want get info about the error, something like required field "name" not found, or trying cast String to Int, whatever... But we not only want this, when we are making complex request with nested objects, we also want know what object has failed. JASON provide all that data for us. When something fail, the error will print required field "name" not found at Person.self for example.

Extending framework types.

Yes, you can directly parse Foundation or whatever framework type. URL for example. We want cast strings into URL directly then...

///Create an extension of type implementing ConvertibleFromJSON
extension URL: ConvertibleFromJSON {

    /// We only need the method from(_, at:), with this, we create the URL
    /// casting the given data, and taking care about possible casting errors.
    /// at: String its provided to us to bring the possiblity of give information about the parsing object.
    public static func from(_ object: Any, at: String) throws -> URL {
        guard let string = object as? String else {
            throw JASONError.TryingCast(object: object, to: "String", at: at)
        guard let url = URL(string: string) else {
            throw JASONError.TryingCast(object: object, to: "URL", at: at)

        return url


Your custom types

And when we have nested objects, our objest only need implement ExpressibleByJSON, like Person declared above. Then we can parse Persons like parse String

let person: Person = try json <<< "person"

And not only that! JASON also will parse for you arrays of persons if you want. when you have a JSON like this...

    "employees": [{
                  "name": "Ram",
                  "email": "ram@gmail.com",
                  "age": 23
                  }, {
                  "name": "Shyam",
                  "email": "shyam23@gmail.com",
                  "age": 28
                  }, {
                  "name": "John",
                  "email": "john@gmail.com",
                  "age": 33
                  }, {
                  "name": "Bob",
                  "email": "bob32@gmail.com",
                  "age": 41

We only do this:

let employees: [Employee] = try json <<< "employees"

And all work done.

No key needed

If your json data comes without key, you can parse it too.

"name": "Ram",
"email": "ram@gmail.com",
"age": 23
}, {
"name": "Shyam",
"email": "shyam23@gmail.com",
"age": 28
}, {
"name": "John",
"email": "john@gmail.com",
"age": 33
}, {
"name": "Bob",
"email": "bob32@gmail.com",
"age": 41
let employees = try json<<< as [Employee]


JASOON is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod "JASOON"


Julián Alonso, julian.alonso.dev@gmail.com


JASON is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.


Swift JSON parsing library

License:MIT License


Language:Swift 93.7%Language:Ruby 4.2%Language:Objective-C 2.1%