JuliaRecsys / ModelBasedCF.jl

Model based algorithms for Collaborative Filtering in Julia

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Model based algorithms for Collaborative Filtering in Julia

Installation: at the Julia REPL, Pkg.add("ModelBasedCF")

Reporting Issues and Contributing: See CONTRIBUTING.md


julia> using DatasetsCF

julia> dataset = DatasetsCF.MovieLens();

julia> using ModelBasedCF

julia> model = ModelBasedCF.IRSVD(dataset, 10)

julia> Persa.train!(model, dataset, max_epochs = 10)

julia> model[1,1]


List of package models:

Models Title
Baseline Koren, Y. (2009). Collaborative filtering with temporal dynamics. Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining {KDD}, 447–456.
Regularized SVD Koren, Y., Bell, R., & Volinsky, C. (2009). Matrix factorization techniques for recommender systems. Computer, 42(8), 30–37.
Improved Regularized SVD Koren, Y. (2009). Collaborative filtering with temporal dynamics. Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining {KDD}, 447–456.


Model based algorithms for Collaborative Filtering in Julia



Language:Julia 100.0%