JuliaCrypto / Nettle.jl

Julia wrapper around nettle cryptographic hashing/encryption library providing MD5, SHA1, SHA2 hashing and HMAC functionality, as well as AES encryption/decryption

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could not load symbol "nettle_hashes"

zsunberg opened this issue · comments

When opening an issue, please ping @staticfloat.

With Nettle_jll 3.5, I am getting a could not load symbol "nettle_hashes". See e.g. https://github.com/zsunberg/DMUStudent.jl/runs/2158159838?check_suite_focus=true#step:7:223 (have not had time to generate a minimum working example). It looks like this may have also happened in #107.

not sure if the original issue pinged you with the backquotes @staticfloat. This is to make sure.

Fixed by #109?

Yep, it appears to be fixed!