Reagents.jl implements and extends reagents by Turon (2012). It provides higher-order concurrency primitives for expressing nonblocking¹ algorithms and synchronizations of concurrent tasks in a composable manner.
For example, op1 | op2
is the choice combinator that combines the "lazy"
representation of operations (called reagents) and expresses that only one of
the operations take place. This is similar to the select
popularized by Go as a mechanism for
expressing rich concurrency
patterns. This is a form of
the selective communication that is implemented by numerous other languages
(and libraries) such as Erlang (receive
expression), occam
and Concurrent ML² (select
expression), to
name a few. However, unlike Go that only supports synchronization of channels
in select
³ or Erlang that
only supports selecting incoming
Reagents.jl's choice combinator supports arbitrary user-defined data structures.
Furthermore, it provides other combinators such as ⨟
for declaring atomicity of the operations, similar to the software
memory mechanism.
Reagents.jl is a foundation of Julio.jl, an
implementation of structured
concurrency for Julia.
For supporting this, Reagents.jl extends the original description of reagents
(Turon, 2012) by adding more primitives such as WithNack
from Concurrent
ML (which is a natural extension
due to the influence of Concurrent ML on reagents, as Turon (2012) noted).
¹ Due to the simplistic implementation of the k-CAS, Reagents.jl is not yet nonblocking in the strict sense. However, as discussed in Turon (2012), it should be straightforward to switch to a k-CAS algorithm with more strict guarantee.
² This includes other languages such as Racket and GNU Guile that implemented the Concurrent ML primitives.
³ But perhaps for good reasons for Go.
Let us implement Treiber stack which can be represented as an atomic reference to an immutable list:
using Reagents
struct Node{T}
const List{T} = Union{Node{T},Nothing}
struct TreiberStack{T,Ref<:Reagents.Ref{List{T}}}
TreiberStack{T}() where {T} = TreiberStack(Reagents.Ref{List{T}}(nothing))
The push and pop operations can be expressed as reagents:
pushing(stack::TreiberStack) =
Reagents.Update((xs, x) -> (Node(x, xs), nothing), stack.head)
popping(stack::TreiberStack) =
Reagents.Update(stack.head) do xs, _
if xs === nothing
return (nothing, nothing)
return (xs.tail, xs.head)
The execution ("reaction") of the reagent can be invoked by just calling the reagent object. So, it's straightforward to wrap it in the standard function API:
Base.push!(stack::TreiberStack, value) = pushing(stack)(value)
Base.pop!(stack::TreiberStack) = popping(stack)()
These user-defined reagents can be composed just like pre-defined reagents.
For example, we can move an element from one stack to another by using
the sequencing combinator ⨟
s1 = TreiberStack{Int}()
s2 = TreiberStack{Int}()
push!(s1, 1)
(popping(s1) ⨟ pushing(s2))()
@assert pop!(s2) == 1
Here, the element in the stack s1
is popped and then pushed to the stack s2
atomically. Similar code works with arbitrary pair of containers, possibly
of different types.
For more examples, read the documentation
or see the examples
Turon, Aaron. 2012. “Reagents: Expressing and Composing Fine-Grained Concurrency.” In Proceedings of the 33rd ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation, 157–168. PLDI ’12. New York, NY, USA: Association for Computing Machinery.
The original implementation by Turon (2012):
Sivaramakrishnan, KC, and Théo Laurent. “Lock-Free Programming for the Masses,”
LDN Functionals #8 KC Sivaramakrishnan: OCaml multicore and programming with Reagents - YouTube
Reagent implementation for OCaml: