The client program is the core program in the whole MMOS suite.
The following content has been taken from the MMOS Client help file.
Normal use of the system is accessed from Order Entry. You will first try and find the customer in the system database then select or create the customer. The selection screen allows selection by various criteria. You can then add information about payments and add products to the order.
Following the entry of an order a facility to allow amendments has been provided. Initially as with order entry the customer selection screen will be shown, then the 'Order History' screen showing all orders, all products within each order and any cash book entries.
As with the first two options the 'Customer Account Selection' screen is shown. Next the account amendment screen. Customer details should be maintained from here.
This option has been provided to deal with customer cheques etc. As the system automatically generates discrepancy records when required, the facility to maintain monies was provided.
To continue in the next logical step after 'Order Entry' the packing screen provides a means where you can modify dispatch quantities (if out of stock). This screen also automatically confirms (after you click the 'Confirm' button) the order and recalculates the order totals if the dispatch quantities are altered. The process also generates discrepancy records that can be accessed from the 'Cheque' screen.
Various features have been created here to cater for user error and discrepancies. This screen is aimed at the customer service manager.
Here's a selection of screenshots from the MMOS program.
For more details please see the full MMOS Client help file.
Written by Jules Moorhouse.
Contributions for bug fixing or improvements are welcomed. Feel free to submit a pull request. If you would like to create an issue, please do so here.
Usage is provided under the MIT License. See LICENSE for the full details.
Please visit the main repo for full information about the MMOS system.