JulesGosnell / seqspert

Understanding Clojure Sequences and providing some small, tight operations to perform on them

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The Clojure collection library is built upon the abstraction of a Sequence.

Whilst abstractions are a good thing in terms of getting useful work done in simple terms, when it comes to raw performance, they sometimes get in the way. e.g. Sequences present as a linear structure supporting one-by-one element addition when perhaps the underlying tree-based implementation of some sequences is better suited to parallelism and more efficient bulk-updates.

Seqspert started life as a set of utils for examining and understanding the underlying implementations and contents of various Clojure Sequence types but is now growing into a library supporting a number of specific high-performance, low-churn alternatives to common Sequence-based operations.

Seqspert contains both Java and Clojure code which is thoroughly unit tested on every build.

I have just put a recent snapshot up on Clojars. It should be run on java-7/8 and clojure-1.7.0-alpha4. Any feedback would be most appreciated.

Either: Lein

[seqspert "1.7.0-alpha4.1.0-SNAPSHOT"]


just put this in a project.clj file and in the same dir type 'lein repl'. Then cut and paste in some of the examples below :

(defproject my-stuff "0.1.0-SNAPSHOT"
  :description "FIXME: write description"
  :url "http://example.com/FIXME"
  :license {:name "Eclipse Public License"
            :url "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html"}
  :dependencies [[org.clojure/clojure "1.7.0-alpha4"]
                 [seqspert "1.7.0-alpha4.1.0-SNAPSHOT"]]
  :main ^:skip-aot my-stuff.core
  :target-path "target/%s"
  :profiles {:uberjar {:aot :all}})

Or: Build/Install


Seqspert provides a number of high-performance Sequence related functions:

"splicing" hash maps

Traditionally the merging of two hash-maps is done via the Sequence abstraction, reading every key-value-pair from a right hand side map and assoc-ing each one into a left hand side map. Unfortunately, this means that all the work done to reduce a set of keys and values into the right hand side is thrown away and has to be redone on the left hand side.

Seqspert's splice-hash-maps function creates a new hash-trie (underlying representation of a Clojure hash-map) directly from the overlaying of the right hand side on top of the left hand side in a single operation, reusing as much of the structure of both maps as possible and avoiding work such as re-calling of hash() on keys.

Since hash-tries are a form of tree, Seqspert can go a step further by doing the splicing in parallel, each subtree being handed off to a different thread and then the results being gathered back into a single hash-trie. This can yield substantial performance benefits.

As much of the structure of the maps involved is reused and a lot of the code that implements the Sequence abstraction is bypassed, heap churn is also reduced to a large extent.

Alt text

user=> (def m1 (apply hash-map (range 0 2000000)))  ;; create a map with 1M entries
user=> (def m2 (apply hash-map (range 1000000 3000000))) ;; create an intersecting map
user=> (time (def m3 (merge m1 m2))) ;; traditional
"Elapsed time: 398.815137 msecs"
user=> (use '[seqspert hash-map])
user=> (time (def m4 (sequential-splice-hash-maps m1 m2))) ;; seqspert
"Elapsed time: 188.270844 msecs"
user=> (time (def m5 (parallel-splice-hash-maps m1 m2))) ;;  seqspert
"Elapsed time: 25.401196 msecs"
user=> (= m3 m4 m5) ;; verify results

"splicing" hash sets

Clojure hash-sets are implemented using an underlying hash-map in which each set element is both the key and the value in map entry. This means that Seqspert can leverage all the work done on splicing hash-maps to splice hash-sets as well:

Alt text

user=> (def s1 (apply hash-set (range 0 1000000)))  ;; create a set with 1M entries
user=> (def s2 (apply hash-set (range 500000 1500000))) ;; create an intersecting set
user=> (use '[clojure set])
user=> (time (def s3 (union s1 s2))) ;; traditional
"Elapsed time: 337.050528 msecs"
user=> (use '[seqspert hash-set])
user=> (time (def s4 (sequential-splice-hash-sets s1 s2))) ;; seqspert
"Elapsed time: 158.255666 msecs"
user=> (time (def s5 (parallel-splice-hash-sets s1 s2))) ;; seqspert
"Elapsed time: 28.837984 msecs"
user=> (= s3 s4 s5) ;; verify results

vector to vector function mapping

If you are trying to write performant code in Clojure, vectors are a good thing.

  • vector related functions are generally eager (mapv) rather than lazy (map) - laziness involves thread coordination which can be an unwelcome overhead when you don't need it. It also makes it more difficult to work out on which thread the work is actually being done.

  • a vector's internal structure is more compact than e.g. a linked-list, meaning less churn and maybe better mechanical sympathy.

  • a vector's api supports random access so it can be cut into smaller pieces for processing in parallel whereas e.g. a linked-list does not and therefore cannot.

Traditionally a vector is mapv-ed into another vector via the Sequence abstraction. Each element of the input vector has the function applied and is then conj-ed onto the output vector.

Seqspert works directly on the underlying structure of the vector, a tree. vmap walks the tree without having to expend any cycles making it look like a vector, calling the function on all its leaves and efficiently building an output tree of exactly the same dimensions as the original with no need to resize repeatedly as it is built in a single operation.

fjvmap does the same thing but in parallel, passing each subtree to a fork-join pool then finally reconstituting them into a vector, thus not only the function application but also the building of the output vector is done in parallel.:

Alt text

user=> (def v1 (vec (range 10000000)))
user=> (def v2 (time (mapv identity v1)))
"Elapsed time: 166.884981 msecs"
user=> (use '[seqspert.vector])
user=> (def v3 (time (vmap identity v1)))
"Elapsed time: 106.545886 msecs"
user=> (def v4 (time (fjvmap identity v1)))
"Elapsed time: 22.778568 msecs"
user=> (= v1 v2 v3 v4)

vector to array copy

vector-to-array hands off subtrees and array offsets to different threads allowing a vector to be copied into an array in parallel.

Alt text

user=> (def v1 (vec (range 10000000)))
user=> (time (def a1 (into-array Object v1))) ;; traditional
"Elapsed time: 715.439909 msecs"
user=> (use '[seqspert.vector])
user=> (time (def a2 (vector-to-array v1))) ;; seqspert
"Elapsed time: 17.8768 msecs"
user=> (= (seq a1)(seq a2))

array to vector copy

array-to-vector does the same thing in reverse. As with fjvmap, not only the copying but also the building of the output vector is done in parallel.

Alt text

If you are performing large vector/array/vector copies then you might like to benchmark these functions.

user=> (def a1 (into-array Object (range 100000000)))
user=> (def v1 (time (vec a1))) ;; traditional
"Elapsed time: 513.214568 msecs"
user=> (use '[seqspert.vector])
user=> (def v2 (time (array-to-vector a1))) ;; seqspert
"Elapsed time: 182.745605 msecs"
user=> (= v1 v2)

data-structure inspection

Seqspert also provides an "inspect" method for transforming the underlying implementation of a number of Clojure Sequences into a corresponding Clojure data structure which may then be print()-ed. This aids comprehension of exactly what is going on under the covers. Understanding this is helpful in debugging Seqspert and learning to use Clojure's collections in an efficient and performant way.

user=> (use '[seqspert core all])

user=> (inspect (array-map :a 1 :b 2 :c 3))
#seqspert.array_map.ArrayMap{:array [:a 1 :b 2 :c 3]}

user=> (inspect (hash-map :a 1 :b 2 :c 3))
#seqspert.hash_map.HashMap{:count 3, :root #seqspert.hash_map.BitmapIndexedNode{:bitmap "1000000010000100000000000000000", :array [:c 3 :b 2 :a 1 nil nil]}}

user=> (inspect (sorted-map :a 1 :b 2 :c 3))
#seqspert.tree_map.TreeMap{:tree #seqspert.tree_map.TreeMapBlackBranchVal{:key :b, :val 2, :left #seqspert.tree_map.TreeMapBlackVal{:key :a, :val 1}, :right #seqspert.tree_map.TreeMapBlackVal{:key :c, :val 3}}, :_count 3}

user=> (inspect (hash-set :a :b :c))
#seqspert.hash_set.HashSet{:impl #seqspert.hash_map.HashMap{:count 3, :root #seqspert.hash_map.BitmapIndexedNode{:bitmap "1000000010000100000000000000000", :array [:c :c :b :b :a :a nil nil]}}}

user=> (inspect (sorted-set :a :b :c))
#seqspert.tree_set.TreeSet{:impl #seqspert.tree_map.TreeMap{:tree #seqspert.tree_map.TreeMapBlackBranchVal{:key :b, :val :b, :left #seqspert.tree_map.TreeMapBlackVal{:key :a, :val :a}, :right #seqspert.tree_map.TreeMapBlackVal{:key :c, :val :c}}, :_count 3}}

user=> (inspect (vector :a :b :c :d))
#seqspert.vector.Vector{:cnt 4, :shift 5, :root #seqspert.vector.VectorNode{:array [nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil]}, :tail [:a :b :c :d]}

user=> (inspect (subvec (vector :a :b :c :d) 1 2))
#seqspert.vector.SubVector{:v #seqspert.vector.Vector{:cnt 4, :shift 5, :root #seqspert.vector.VectorNode{:array [nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil]}, :tail [:a :b :c :d]}, :start 1, :end 2}


Your mileage may vary !

The results detailed above were collected on 16x 3.30ghz, linux-3.11.0-26, Oracle 1.8.0-ea-b119 and clojure-1.7.0-alpha3 and are not indicative of anything else. It is unlikely that this is exactly the same combination of h/w, s/w and data that constitute your production platform. ALWAYS test and test again until you are satisfied that, in your particular usecase, a seqspert function provides you with a significant performance win before adopting it.

Further Reading


Copyright © 2014 Julian Gosnell

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.


Understanding Clojure Sequences and providing some small, tight operations to perform on them


Language:Java 79.0%Language:Clojure 20.9%Language:Shell 0.1%