JulStrat / loxip

Lox interpreter written in Free Pascal

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Lox interpreter written in Free Pascal.

Work in progress.


Under FPC 3.0.4 download (clone) Generics.Collections. Optionally FastMM4-AVX memory manager.


Fibonacci -

$ ./loxip.exe
Type quit to exit.
> var a=0;var b=1;var c=0;while (c<1000) {if (c>=0) {print c+": "+a;} var temp=a;a=b;b=temp+b;c=c+1;}
0: 0
1: 1
2: 1
3: 2
4: 3
5: 5
6: 8
7: 13
8: 21
9: 34
10: 55


Chapter 5.Representing Code

  1. Reverse Polish Notation.
> print (1 + 2) * (4 - 3);
[DEBUG] (TASTPrinter) (* (group (+ 1 2)) (group (- 4 3)))
[DEBUG] (TASTPrinter RPN) 1 2 + 4 3 - *

Chapter 7.Evaluating Expressions

  1. String comparison.
> print "abd" > "aba";
[DEBUG] (TBinaryExpression.Accept) Accepting binary expression: >
[DEBUG] (TLiteralExpression.Accept) Accepting literal expression: abd
[DEBUG] (TLiteralExpression.Accept) Accepting literal expression: aba
Tick count - 0.
> print "abd" < "aba";
[DEBUG] (TBinaryExpression.Accept) Accepting binary expression: <
[DEBUG] (TLiteralExpression.Accept) Accepting literal expression: abd
[DEBUG] (TLiteralExpression.Accept) Accepting literal expression: aba
Tick count - 0.
  1. Define + such that if either operand is a string, the other is converted to a string and the results are then concatenated.
> print "Hello " + 2020 + " " + true;
[DEBUG] (TASTPrinter) (+ (+ (+ "Hello " 2020) " ") True)
[DEBUG] (TASTPrinter RPN) "Hello " 2020 + " " + True +
[DEBUG] (TInterpreter) Evaluating TBinaryExpression.
[DEBUG] (TInterpreter) Evaluating TBinaryExpression.
[DEBUG] (TInterpreter) Evaluating TBinaryExpression.
[DEBUG] (TInterpreter) Evaluating TLiteralExpression.
[DEBUG] (TInterpreter) Evaluating TLiteralExpression.
[DEBUG] (TInterpreter) Evaluating TLiteralExpression.
[DEBUG] (TInterpreter) Evaluating TLiteralExpression.
Hello 2020 True
  1. Division by zero.
> 8/0;
[DEBUG] (TInterpreter) Evaluating TBinaryExpression.
[DEBUG] (TInterpreter) Evaluating TLiteralExpression.
[DEBUG] (TInterpreter) Evaluating TLiteralExpression.
[ERROR] Division by zero. [line 1].

AST visualization

printdot expression; generates AST in DOT format.

> printdot 1 + 8 * 89 - - 12;
[DEBUG] (TBinaryExpression) Accepting binary expression - -
[DEBUG] (TBinaryExpression) Accepting binary expression - +
[DEBUG] (TLiteralExpression) Accepting literal expression - 1
[DEBUG] (TBinaryExpression) Accepting binary expression - *
[DEBUG] (TLiteralExpression) Accepting literal expression - 8
[DEBUG] (TLiteralExpression) Accepting literal expression - 89
[DEBUG] (TUnaryExpression) Accepting unary expression - -
[DEBUG] (TLiteralExpression) Accepting literal expression - 12
digraph astgraph {
node [shape=circle, fontsize=10, fontname="Courier"];
rankdir = BT;
0 [label="-"]
1 [label="+"]
2 [label="1", shape=rectangle]
2 -> 1
3 [label="*"]
4 [label="8", shape=rectangle]
4 -> 3
5 [label="89", shape=rectangle]
5 -> 3
3 -> 1
1 -> 0
6 [label="-"]
7 [label="12", shape=rectangle]
7 -> 6
6 -> 0


AST for expression 1 + 8 * 89 - - 12


Built With

  • Lazarus - The professional Free Pascal RAD IDE.


Lox interpreter written in Free Pascal

License:MIT License


Language:Pascal 100.0%