Jukphillips / Daily-work-Scheduler

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool



This is a simple work day application that allows you to scedule your work day. It's lewngth is normal business hours, and each hour is color coded. This is so you can keep track of what you need done already, now, and soon! Grey is for the past, red indicates thats the current hour, and green indicates those are futures hours in the day. The user can added text toe ach one of the hours and save it to their local storage using the blue button next to the text area. If you choose to wipe that data, the user can hit clear and it will clear the local data.



Technologies Used

HTML, CSS, Javascript, Bootstrap, Jquery, and Jquery Moment

User Story

AS AN employee with a busy schedule
I WANT to add important events to a daily planner
SO THAT I can manage my time effectively

Acceptance Criteria

GIVEN I am using a daily planner to create a schedule
WHEN I open the planner
THEN the current day is displayed at the top of the calendar
WHEN I scroll down
THEN I am presented with timeblocks for standard business hours
WHEN I view the timeblocks for that day
THEN each timeblock is color coded to indicate whether it is in the past, present, or future
WHEN I click into a timeblock
THEN I can enter an event
WHEN I click the save button for that timeblock
THEN the text for that event is saved in local storage
WHEN I refresh the page
THEN the saved events persist


Date on header

Shows date on the header of the website in a specific format

Working color coded timeblocks and Functional local storage

Shows picture of color coded timeblocks with a basis of the time of day and functional local storage

Functional Clear Button

Shows planner after clear button is selected



Language:HTML 44.5%Language:JavaScript 42.1%Language:CSS 13.4%