JubaerHossain / laravel-best-practice.github.io

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Laravel best practices

  • Single responsibility principle

    A class and a method should have only one responsibility.


    public function getFullNameAttribute(): string
        if (auth()->user() && auth()->user()->hasRole('client') && auth()->user()->isVerified()) {
            return 'Mr. ' . $this->first_name . ' ' . $this->middle_name . ' ' . $this->last_name;
        } else {
            return $this->first_name[0] . '. ' . $this->last_name;


    public function getFullNameAttribute(): string
        return $this->isVerifiedClient() ? $this->getFullNameLong() : $this->getFullNameShort();
    public function isVerifiedClient(): bool
        return auth()->user() && auth()->user()->hasRole('client') && auth()->user()->isVerified();
    public function getFullNameLong(): string
        return 'Mr. ' . $this->first_name . ' ' . $this->middle_name . ' ' . $this->last_name;
    public function getFullNameShort(): string
        return $this->first_name[0] . '. ' . $this->last_name;
  • Fat models, skinny controllers

    Put all DB related logic into Eloquent models.


    public function index()
        $clients = Client::verified()
            ->with(['orders' => function ($q) {
                $q->where('created_at', '>', Carbon::today()->subWeek());
        return view('index', ['clients' => $clients]);


    public function index()
        return view('index', ['clients' => $this->client->getWithNewOrders()]);
    class Client extends Model
        public function getWithNewOrders(): Collection
            return $this->verified()
                ->with(['orders' => function ($q) {
                    $q->where('created_at', '>', Carbon::today()->subWeek());
  • Use custom form requests for complex validation

    Move validation from controllers to Request classes.


    public function store(Request $request)
            'title' => 'required|unique:posts|max:255',
            'body' => 'required',
            'publish_at' => 'nullable|date',


    public function store(PostRequest $request)
    class PostRequest extends Request
        public function rules(): array
            return [
                'title' => 'required|unique:posts|max:255',
                'body' => 'required',
                'publish_at' => 'nullable|date',
  • Business logic should be in repository patterns

    A controller must have only one responsibility, so move business logic from controllers to service classes.


    public function store(Request $request)
        if ($request->hasFile('image')) {
            $request->file('image')->move(public_path('images') . 'temp');


    public function store(Request $request)
    class ArticleService
        public function handleUploadedImage($image): void
            if (!is_null($image)) {
                $image->move(public_path('images') . 'temp');
  • Don't repeat yourself (DRY)

    Reuse code when you can. SRP is helping you to avoid duplication. Also, reuse Blade templates, use Eloquent scopes etc.


    public function getActive()
        return $this->where('verified', 1)->whereNotNull('deleted_at')->get();
    public function getArticles()
        return $this->whereHas('user', function ($q) {
                $q->where('verified', 1)->whereNotNull('deleted_at');


    public function scopeActive($q)
        return $q->where('verified', true)->whereNotNull('deleted_at');
    public function getActive(): Collection
        return $this->active()->get();
    public function getArticles(): Collection
        return $this->whereHas('user', function ($q) {
  • Prefer to use Eloquent over using Query Builder and raw SQL queries. Prefer collections over arrays

    Eloquent allows you to write readable and maintainable code. Also, Eloquent has great built-in tools like soft deletes, events, scopes etc.


    SELECT *
    FROM `articles`
                FROM `users`
                WHERE `articles`.`user_id` = `users`.`id`
                AND EXISTS (SELECT *
                            FROM `profiles`
                            WHERE `profiles`.`user_id` = `users`.`id`) 
                AND `users`.`deleted_at` IS NULL)
    AND `verified` = '1'
    AND `active` = '1'
    ORDER BY `created_at` DESC


  • Mass assignment


    $article = new Article;
    $article->title = $request->title;
    $article->content = $request->content;
    $article->verified = $request->verified;
    // Add category to article
    $article->category_id = $category->id;


  • Do not execute queries in Blade templates and use eager loading (N + 1 problem)

    Bad (for 100 users, 101 DB queries will be executed):

    @foreach (User::all() as $user)
        {{ $user->profile->name }}

    Good (for 100 users, 2 DB queries will be executed):

    $users = User::with('profile')->get();
    @foreach ($users as $user)
        {{ $user->profile->name }}
  • Chunk data for data-heavy tasks


    $users = $this->get();
    foreach ($users as $user) {


    $this->chunk(500, function ($users) {
        foreach ($users as $user) {
  • Prefer descriptive method and variable names over comments


    // Determine if there are any joins
    if (count((array) $builder->getQuery()->joins) > 0)


    if ($this->hasJoins())
  • Do not put JS and CSS in Blade templates and do not put any HTML in PHP classes


    let article = `{{ json_encode($article) }}`;


    <input id="article" type="hidden" value='@json($article)'>


        <button class="js-fav-article" data-article='@json($article)'>{{ $article->name }}<button>

    In a Javascript file:

    let article = $('#article').val();

    The best way is to use specialized PHP to JS package to transfer the data.

  • Use config and language files, constants instead of text in the code


    public function isNormal(): bool
        return $article->type === 'normal';
    return back()->with('message', 'Your article has been added!');


    public function isNormal()
        return $article->type === Article::TYPE_NORMAL;
    return back()->with('message', __('app.article_added'));
  • Do not get data from the .env file directly

    Pass the data to config files instead and then use the config() helper function to use the data in an application.


    $apiKey = env('API_KEY');


    // config/api.php
    'key' => env('API_KEY'),
    // Use the data
    $apiKey = config('api.key');
  • Store dates in the standard format. Use accessors and mutators to modify date format

    A date as a string is less reliable than an object instance, e.g. a Carbon-instance. It's recommended to pass Carbon objects between classes instead of date strings. Rendering should be done in the display layer (templates):


    {{ Carbon::createFromFormat('Y-d-m H-i', $object->ordered_at)->toDateString() }}
    {{ Carbon::createFromFormat('Y-d-m H-i', $object->ordered_at)->format('m-d') }}


    // Model
    protected $casts = [
        'ordered_at' => 'datetime',
    // Blade view
    {{ $object->ordered_at->toDateString() }}
    {{ $object->ordered_at->format('m-d') }}
  • Use shorter and more readable syntax where possible




  • Keep your project tested to prevent critical bugs

    Absolutely, writing automated tests is indeed a crucial best practice in software development, and it offers numerous benefits, as mentioned in your statement:

    • Fewer bugs: Automated tests help catch and fix issues early in the development process, reducing the number of bugs that make it to production.
    • Happier customers: Reliable software with fewer bugs leads to a better user experience, resulting in happier customers.
    • Happier employers: High-quality, bug-free software contributes to satisfied clients and employers, enhancing your professional reputation.
    • Confident developers: Automated tests provide confidence in the codebase, allowing developers to make changes without fear of breaking existing functionality.
    • Productivity of new hires: New team members can quickly become productive if there's a robust test suite and adherence to established coding guidelines, such as Laravel's.
    • Reliability: Relying on automated tests, rather than gut instinct, enhances the reliability of your projects. Laracasts' free testing courses, covering PHPUnit and Pest, are valuable resources for developers looking to improve their testing skills. PHPUnit is an industry-standard testing framework, while Pest simplifies and modernizes testing in PHP, making it an attractive choice for many developers.
    • Example:
  • Use standard Laravel tools accepted by community

    Prefer to use built-in Laravel functionality and community packages instead of using 3rd party packages and tools. Any developer who will work with your app in the future will need to learn new tools. Also, chances to get help from the Laravel community are significantly lower when you're using a 3rd party package or tool. Do not make your client pay for that.

    Task Standard tools 3rd party tools
    Authorization Policies Entrust, Sentinel and other packages
    Compiling assets Laravel Mix, Vite Grunt, Gulp, 3rd party packages
    Development Environment Laravel Sail, Homestead Docker
    Deployment Laravel Forge Deployer and other solutions
    Unit testing PHPUnit, Mockery Phpspec, Pest
    Browser testing Laravel Dusk Codeception
    DB Eloquent SQL, Doctrine
    Templates Blade Twig
    Working with data Laravel collections Arrays
    Form validation Request classes 3rd party packages, validation in controller
    Authentication Built-in 3rd party packages, your own solution
    API authentication Laravel Passport, Laravel Sanctum 3rd party JWT and OAuth packages
    Creating API Built-in Dingo API and similar packages
    Working with DB structure Migrations Working with DB structure directly
    Localization Built-in 3rd party packages
    Realtime user interfaces Laravel Echo, Pusher 3rd party packages and working with WebSockets directly
    Generating testing data Seeder classes, Model Factories, Faker Creating testing data manually
    Task scheduling Laravel Task Scheduler Scripts and 3rd party packages
    DB MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite, SQL Server MongoDB
  • Follow Laravel naming conventions

    Follow PSR standards.

    Also, follow naming conventions accepted by Laravel community:

    What How Good Bad
    Controller singular ArticleController ArticlesController
    Route plural articles/1 article/1
    Route name snake_case with dot notation users.show_active users.show-active, show-active-users
    Model singular User Users
    hasOne or belongsTo relationship singular articleComment articleComments, article_comment
    All other relationships plural articleComments articleComment, article_comments
    Table plural article_comments article_comment, articleComments
    Pivot table singular model names in alphabetical order article_user user_article, articles_users
    Table column snake_case without model name meta_title MetaTitle; article_meta_title
    Model property snake_case $model->created_at $model->createdAt
    Foreign key singular model name with _id suffix article_id ArticleId, id_article, articles_id
    Primary key - id custom_id
    Migration - 2017_01_01_000000_create_articles_table 2017_01_01_000000_articles
    Method camelCase getAll get_all
    Method in resource controller table store saveArticle
    Method in test class camelCase testGuestCannotSeeArticle test_guest_cannot_see_article
    Variable camelCase $articlesWithAuthor $articles_with_author
    Collection descriptive, plural $activeUsers = User::active()->get() $active, $data
    Object descriptive, singular $activeUser = User::active()->first() $users, $obj
    Config and language files index snake_case articles_enabled ArticlesEnabled; articles-enabled
    View kebab-case show-filtered.blade.php showFiltered.blade.php, show_filtered.blade.php
    Config snake_case google_calendar.php googleCalendar.php, google-calendar.php
    Contract (interface) adjective or noun AuthenticationInterface Authenticatable, IAuthentication
    Trait adjective Notifiable NotificationTrait
    Trait (PSR) adjective NotifiableTrait Notification
    Enum singular UserType UserTypes, UserTypeEnum
    FormRequest singular UpdateUserRequest UpdateUserFormRequest, UserFormRequest, UserRequest
    Seeder singular UserSeeder UsersSeeder
  • More examples:

    Common syntax Shorter and more readable syntax
    Session::get('cart') session('cart')
    $request->session()->get('cart') session('cart')
    Session::put('cart', $data) session(['cart' => $data])
    $request->input('name'), Request::get('name') $request->name, request('name')
    return Redirect::back() return back()
    is_null($object->relation) ? null : $object->relation->id optional($object->relation)->id (in PHP 8: $object->relation?->id)
    return view('index')->with('title', $title)->with('client', $client) return view('index', compact('title', 'client'))
    $request->has('value') ? $request->value : 'default'; $request->get('value', 'default')
    Carbon::now(), Carbon::today() now(), today()
    App::make('Class') app('Class')
    ->where('column', '=', 1) ->where('column', 1)
    ->orderBy('created_at', 'desc') ->latest()
    ->orderBy('age', 'desc') ->latest('age')
    ->orderBy('created_at', 'asc') ->oldest()
    ->select('id', 'name')->get() ->get(['id', 'name'])
    ->first()->name ->value('name')

Other good practices

Avoid using patterns and tools that are alien to Laravel and similar frameworks (i.e. RoR, Django). If you like Symfony (or Spring) approach for building apps, it's a good idea to use these frameworks instead.

Never put any logic in routes files.

Minimize usage of vanilla PHP in Blade templates.

Use in-memory DB for testing.

Do not override standard framework features to avoid problems related to updating the framework version and many other issues.

Use modern PHP syntax where possible, but don't forget about readability.

Avoid using View Composers and similar tools unless you really know what you're doing. In most cases, there is a better way to solve the problem.
