JuanMartinGallo / HackerRank-Prepare-Solutions

HackerRank solutions for Python practice section

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HackerRank Prepare Solutions


This repository consists of solutions to HackerRank prepare section with python, will be updated regularly. Be sure to this repo so you can keep up to date on any progress!

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Subdomain Difficulty Challenge Solution
Introduction Easy Say "Hello, World!" With Python Python-Solution
Introduction Easy Python If-Else Python-Solution
Introduction Easy Arithmetic Operators Python-Solution
Introduction Easy Python: Division Python-Solution
Introduction Easy Loops Python-Solution
Introduction Easy Print Function Python-Solution
Introduction Medium Write a function Python-Solution
Basic Data Types Easy List Comprehensions Python-Solution
Basic Data Types Easy Find the Runner-Up Score! Python-Solution
Basic Data Types Easy Nested Lists Python-Solution
Basic Data Types Easy Finding the percentage Python-Solution
Basic Data Types Easy Lists Python-Solution
Basic Data Types Easy Tuples Python-Solution
Strings Easy sWAP cASE Python-Solution
Strings Easy String Split and Join Python-Solution
Strings Easy What's Your Name? Python-Solution
Strings Easy Mutations Python-Solution
Strings Easy Find a string Python-Solution
Strings Easy String Validators Python-Solution
Strings Easy Text Alignment Python-Solution
Strings Easy Text Wrap Python-Solution
Strings Easy Designer Door Mat Python-Solution
Strings Easy String Formatting Python-Solution
Strings Easy Alphabet Rangoli Python-Solution
Strings Easy Capitalize! Python-Solution
Strings Medium The Minion Game Python-Solution
Strings Medium Merge the Tools! Python-Solution
Sets Easy Introduction to Sets Python-Solution
Sets Easy Symmetric Difference Python-Solution
Sets Easy Set .add() Python-Solution
Sets Easy Set .discard(), .remove() & .pop() Python-Solution
Sets Easy Set .union() Operation Python-Solution
Sets Easy Set .intersection() Operation Python-Solution
Sets Easy Set .difference() Operation Python-Solution
Sets Easy Set .symmetric_difference() Operation Python-Solution
Sets Easy Set Mutations Python-Solution
Sets Easy The Captain's Room Python-Solution
Sets Easy Check Subset Python-Solution
Sets Easy Check Strict Superset Python-Solution
Sets Medium No Idea! Python-Solution
Math Easy Polar Coordinates Python-Solution
Math Easy Mod Divmod Python-Solution
Math Easy Power - Mod Power Python-Solution
Math Easy Integers Come In All Sizes Python-Solution
Math Medium Find Angle MBC Python-Solution
Math Medium Triangle Quest 2 Python-Solution
Math Medium Triangle Quest Python-Solution
Itertools Easy itertools.product() Python-Solution
Itertools Easy itertools.permutations() Python-Solution
Itertools Easy itertools.combinations() Python-Solution
Itertools Easy itertools.combinations_with_replacement() Python-Solution
Itertools Medium Compress the String! Python-Solution
Itertools Medium Iterables and Iterators Python-Solution
Itertools Hard Maximize It! Python-Solution
Collections Easy collections.Counter() Python-Solution
Collections Easy DefaultDict Tutorial Python-Solution
Collections Easy Collections.namedtuple() Python-Solution
Collections Easy Collections.OrderedDict() Python-Solution
Collections Easy Collections.deque() Python-Solution
Collections Medium Word Order Python-Solution
Collections Medium Company Logo Python-Solution
Collections Medium Piling Up! Python-Solution
Date and Time Easy Calendar Module Python-Solution
Date and Time Medium Time Delta Python-Solution
Errors and Exceptions Easy Exceptions Python-Solution
Errors and Exceptions Easy Incorrect Regex Python-Solution
Classes Easy Class 2 - Find the Torsional Angle Python-Solution
Classes Medium Classes: Dealing with Complex Numbers Python-Solution
Built-Ins Easy Zipped! Python-Solution
Built-Ins Easy Input() Python-Solution
Built-Ins Easy Python Evaluation Python-Solution
Built-Ins Easy Any or All Python-Solution
Built-Ins Medium Athlete Sort Python-Solution
Built-Ins Medium ginortS Python-Solution
Python Functionals Easy Map and Lambda Function Python-Solution
Python Functionals Medium Validating Email Addresses With a Filter Python-Solution
Python Functionals Medium Reduce Function Python-Solution
Regex and Parsing Easy Detect Floating Point Number Python-Solution
Regex and Parsing Easy Re.split() Python-Solution
Regex and Parsing Easy Group(), Groups() & Groupdict() Python-Solution
Regex and Parsing Easy Re.findall() & Re.finditer() Python-Solution
Regex and Parsing Easy Re.start() & Re.end() Python-Solution
Regex and Parsing Easy Validating Roman Numerals Python-Solution
Regex and Parsing Easy Validating phone numbers Python-Solution
Regex and Parsing Easy Validating and Parsing Email Addresses Python-Solution
Regex and Parsing Easy Hex Color Code Python-Solution
Regex and Parsing Easy HTML Parser - Part 1 Python-Solution
Regex and Parsing Easy HTML Parser - Part 2 Python-Solution
Regex and Parsing Easy Detect HTML Tags, Attributes and Attribute Values Python-Solution
Regex and Parsing Easy Validating UID Python-Solution
Regex and Parsing Medium Regex Substitution Python-Solution
Regex and Parsing Medium Validating Credit Card Numbers Python-Solution
Regex and Parsing Hard Validating Postal Codes Python-Solution
Regex and Parsing Hard Matrix Script Python-Solution
XML Easy XML 1 - Find the Score Python-Solution
XML Easy XML2 - Find the Maximum Depth Python-Solution
Closures and Decorators Easy Standardize Mobile Number Using Decorators Python-Solution
Closures and Decorators Easy Decorators 2 - Name Directory Python-Solution
Numpy Easy Arrays Python-Solution
Numpy Easy Shape and Reshape Python-Solution
Numpy Easy Transpose and Flatten Python-Solution
Numpy Easy Concatenate Python-Solution
Numpy Easy Zeros and Ones Python-Solution
Numpy Easy Eye and Identity Python-Solution
Numpy Easy Array Mathematics Python-Solution
Numpy Easy Floor, Ceil and Rint Python-Solution
Numpy Easy Sum and Prod Python-Solution
Numpy Easy Min and Max Python-Solution
Numpy Easy Mean, Var, and Std Python-Solution
Numpy Easy Dot and Cross Python-Solution
Numpy Easy Inner and Outer Python-Solution
Numpy Easy Polynomials Python-Solution
Numpy Easy Linear Algebra Python-Solution
Debugging Medium Words Score Python-Solution
Debugging Medium Default Arguments Python-Solution


Subdomain Difficulty Challenge Solution
Basic Select Easy Revising the Select Query I MySQL-Solution
Basic Select Easy Revising the Select Query II MySQL-Solution
Basic Select Easy Select All MySQL-Solution
Basic Select Easy Select By ID MySQL-Solution
Basic Select Easy Japanese Cities' Attributes MySQL-Solution
Basic Select Easy Japanese Cities' Names MySQL-Solution
Basic Select Easy Weather Observation Station 1 MySQL-Solution
Basic Select Easy Weather Observation Station 3 MySQL-Solution
Basic Select Easy Weather Observation Station 4 MySQL-Solution
Basic Select Easy Weather Observation Station 5 MySQL-Solution
Basic Select Easy Weather Observation Station 6 MySQL-Solution
Basic Select Easy Weather Observation Station 7 MySQL-Solution
Basic Select Easy Weather Observation Station 8 MySQL-Solution
Basic Select Easy Weather Observation Station 9 MySQL-Solution
Basic Select Easy Weather Observation Station 10 MySQL-Solution
Basic Select Easy Weather Observation Station 11 MySQL-Solution
Basic Select Easy Weather Observation Station 12 MySQL-Solution
Basic Select Easy Higher Than 75 Marks MySQL-Solution
Basic Select Easy Employee Names MySQL-Solution
Basic Select Easy Employee Salaries MySQL-Solution
Advanced Select Easy Type of Triangle MySQL-Solution
Advanced Select Medium The PADS MySQL-Solution
Advanced Select Medium Occupations MySQL-Solution
Advanced Select Medium Binary Tree Nodes MySQL-Solution
Advanced Select Medium New Companies MySQL-Solution
Aggregation Easy Revising Aggregations - The Count Function MySQL-Solution
Aggregation Easy Revising Aggregations - The Sum Function MySQL-Solution
Aggregation Easy Revising Aggregations - Averages MySQL-Solution
Aggregation Easy Average Population MySQL-Solution
Aggregation Easy Japan Population MySQL-Solution
Aggregation Easy Population Density Difference MySQL-Solution
Aggregation Easy The Blunder MySQL-Solution
Aggregation Easy Top Earners MySQL-Solution
Aggregation Easy Weather Observation Station 2 MySQL-Solution
Aggregation Easy Weather Observation Station 13 MySQL-Solution
Aggregation Easy Weather Observation Station 14 MySQL-Solution
Aggregation Easy Weather Observation Station 15 MySQL-Solution
Aggregation Easy Weather Observation Station 16 MySQL-Solution
Aggregation Easy Weather Observation Station 17 MySQL-Solution
Aggregation Medium Weather Observation Station 18 MySQL-Solution
Aggregation Medium Weather Observation Station 19 MySQL-Solution
Aggregation Medium Weather Observation Station 20 MySQL-Solution
Basic Join Easy Asian Population MySQL-Solution
Basic Join Easy African Cities MySQL-Solution
Basic Join Easy Average Population of Each Continent MySQL-Solution
Basic Join Medium The Report MySQL-Solution
Basic Join Medium Top Competitors MySQL-Solution
Basic Join Medium Ollivander's Inventory MySQL-Solution
Basic Join Medium Challenges MySQL-Solution
Basic Join Medium Contest Leaderboard MySQL-Solution
Advanced Join Medium Projects MySQL-Solution
Advanced Join Medium Placements MySQL-Solution
Advanced Join Medium Symmetric Pairs MySQL-Solution
Advanced Join Hard Interviews MySQL-Solution
Advanced Join Hard 15 Days of Learning SQL MySQL-Solution
Alternative Queries Easy Draw The Triangle 1 MySQL-Solution
Alternative Queries Easy Draw The Triangle 2 MySQL-Solution
Alternative Queries Medium Print Prime Numbers MySQL-Solution


HackerRank solutions for Python practice section

License:MIT License


Language:Java 66.1%Language:Python 33.9%