JssDWt / bitcointranscripts

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Bitcoin Transcripts Repository

A home for Bitcoin transcripts used by btctranscripts.com.

This does not contain the code to run the site displaying this content, which can be found at the bitcointranscripts.github.io repo.


When creating a new directory or adding a page to an existing directory, please follow the structure like this:

├── _index.md
├── page-top.md
└── /level-one
    ├── _index.md
    ├── page-1-one.md
    ├── page-1-two.md
    └── /level-two
        ├── _index.md
        ├── page-2-one.md
        ├── page-2-two.md
        └── /level-three
            ├── _index.md
            ├── page-3-one.md
            ├── page-3-two.md
            └── /level-four
                ├── page-4-one.md
                └── page-4-two.md

Each directory requires an _index.md file with front matter that will reflect the name of the index page in the menu. Adding {{< childpages >}} as the body will ensure that all the appropriate files in that directory will be listed. (See example)

The file name will ideally be prefixed by the date (e.g. 2021-03-30-example-file.md)

Each transcript is a markdown file, which requires to include the title and transcript_by in the file front matter. You can optionally add the speaker's name as well as categories and tags as strings in an array. For example:

title: Carl Dong - Reproducible Builds (2020-11-30)
transcript_by: Bryan Bishop
speaker: Carl Dong
categories: ['podcast']
tag: ['build systems']

Note: that it is best practice to include the date of the event in the title. (If we can gather enough meta-data, we someday intend on being able to sort transcripts by date.)

There is usually some other data that is included at the top of each file like the date of the event, link to the slides, video links, full title, etc. Include what you can. For links, make sure to use the markdown format for links, for example:

Date: 2021-05-03
video: <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L_sI_tXmy2U>

Note that valid markdown has <>s around urls like the video example above.

Transcription Style

For your contributions, please use an "edited transcription" style, which can also be referred to as clean verbatim transcription. The goal of an edited transcription is to preserve the meaning of a text without paraphrasing. Stammering, filler words such as 'like' or 'you know', and unnecessary non-verbal communication can be omitted. Strike a balance between completeness and readability.

Oftentimes, audience questions and comments will be inaudible. Feel free to only indicate when an audience member is speaking if their audio is not clear.


Spanish and Portuguese are configured by default for btctranscripts.com.

To add a new spanish translation, for example, you need to add an _index.es.md file with the proper Spanish title. Then add the transcript file with the appropriate .es.md , e.g. 2021-03-30-example-file.es.md.

This is the same for Portuguese (.pt).

Each transcript is a markdown file, which requires to include the title and transcript_by in the file front matter. We strongly suggest you add the translated_by for translated transcripts. For example:

title: Andreas Antonopoulos - Firmas Schnorr (2018-10-07)
transcript_by: Michael Folkson
translation_by: Blue Moon
speaker: Andreas Antonopoulos
categories: ['podcast']
tag: ['schnorr']

There is usually some meta-data also usually at the top of each file that includes the event date and video link. That should all be translated as well.

If you'd like to propose a new language, you can do so by modifying the site config and translating the appropraite i18n file (this is another repo).

We'd love transcripts in other languages so we've made every effort to make i18n as easy as possible.


This project was based on diyhpluswiki and would not be possible without the many years of work by kanzure.


License:MIT License