Jsos17 / CalculatorApp

A calculator application with a basic graphical user interface. Mathematical expressions are evaluated through my implementation of Dijkstra's shunting yard algorithm. My project, spring 2018 (for the course Methods for Software Engineering offered by Bachelor's Programme in Computer Science, University of Helsinki).

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Methods for Software Engineering Project: Spring 2018

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This programming project was part of the University of Helsinki course Methods for Software Engineering (Ohjelmistotekniikan menetelmät). It was done between late March and early May of the year 2018. Since then, some modest refactoring has been implemented, but the bulk of the project was done during those March, April and May months of 2018.

This was my first solo programming project, after I had learned to program with Java during the previous autumn. While I was working on this project, I was also taking the course Data Structures and Algorithms. Therefore, an overzealous obsession with algorithmic efficiency can undoubtedly be seen in the code, and also in the documentation. Consequently, very little thought was given to how easy and fun it would be to use the graphical user interface. If I were to do this project today, it would probably be the number one priority.

The CalculatorApp is, as the name suggests, a calculator. See the user manual for what operations are supported. The CalculatorApp uses double precision. Therefore, it is intended mainly to be a demonstration of certain programming skills, and is not suited for calculations requiring absolute precision.

The mathematical expressions are processed with my own implementation of Edsger Djikstra's Shunting-Yard Algorithm.

The user can input any expression by using the provided buttons, and if the expression can be parsed (i.e. brackets, operators, dots etc are placed correctly) provides the result as double value. If the input cannot be parsed, then the user is notified and is asked to correct the expression.

The app also shows recently used expressions, and the user can change how many, if any, expressions are kept in memory.

The user can save expressions in a database and re-use them later.


Käyttöohje/User manual

Vaatimusmäärittely/Software requirement specification

Testausdokumentti/Testing document

Arkkitehtuurikuvaus/Software architecture

Työaikakirjanpito/Work log


Viikko 5

Viikko 6


Command line


Tests can be run with the command:

mvn test

Generating an executable jar-file

mvn package

Generates an executable jar-file, CalculatorApp-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar, inside the target directory.


JavaDoc is generated with the command

mvn javadoc:javadoc

JavaDoc can be examined by opening the file target/site/apidocs/index.html with the chromium-browser for example.


Style checks that are specified in the file checkstyle.xml can be run with the command:

mvn jxr:jxr checkstyle:checkstyle

Errors, if any, can be examined by opening the file target/site/checkstyle.html.


A calculator application with a basic graphical user interface. Mathematical expressions are evaluated through my implementation of Dijkstra's shunting yard algorithm. My project, spring 2018 (for the course Methods for Software Engineering offered by Bachelor's Programme in Computer Science, University of Helsinki).


Language:Java 100.0%